Until its gone ...
Life... the biggest gift the powers up above have given to this Universe. Life… something so amazing yet so fragile. Life… something which can either be created or destroyed yet can never be replaced by another ! We all are here for a limited time, a truth which can never be changed… at least not yet ! In this small time that we spend here, we come across a million-different people… all unique in their own way and no one can take the other’s place in any form.
We live in a fast-paced society where time constraint, hectic work schedule, nuclear family life has over powered our ability to do things that are called living a life. From spending time with family, friends to doing things that truly make us happy… all these things are becoming a bucket list for a lot of people rather than being a part of a regular routine. We are so engrossed in climbing those invisible corporate ladders that we have forgotten to look back at those who were always there.
Days pass by, months and years… all we do is plan... plan a vacation, plan a break, plan a group outing, plan a family dinner, plan a trip back home. Sooner than we can possibly realize, the years have gone by... people are not the same anymore, they have grown with time, their definition of fun has changed. A new word got introduced in their dictionary sooner or later and got embossed like their own shadow... the word called responsibility ! More people take this responsibility as a measure that over weighs every other aspect of life. Life security over everything else... even if it comes at the cost of sacrificing our dreams.
All I want to say today my friends is that this security that you crave for… job security, financial security, a secure residence, a secure insurance plan, a secure future… all goes in vain if we are not giving time to ourselves, to people who love us, to hobbies that define who we are. One day, time will strike and when you pick up the phone, the voice at the other end will be no more. Eventually time gets to even the best of us ! Until then, the moment where regret will just be an emotion cursing us deep within... get up... make that call, visit that place, meet that someone, do that thing, make that decision and make every moment worth it ! Coz tomorrow not everyone can witness. Live life today ! Today is all someone has.. today is all that it takes to be called alive !