Unsupportive Friends & Family?
Celeste Rains-Turk
Licensed Associate Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Personal Development Mentor, Podcast Host, Best-Selling Author
So often I hear people say that if people don't support you in your journey then you should just cut them out of your life and find new friends
While I do believe our true friends and unconditionally loving family will support us, sometimes values, beliefs, desires, and lifestyles just don't align anymore or they may struggle with the way it changes you
While you may end up distancing yourself or setting a firm boundary about their presence in your life, I don't believe it is the most considerate or compassionate approach to relationships that matter to you
Learning to deal with change, conflict, and desires within relational contexts is key for long term connections
It won't always be perfect communication or understanding but facing the difficulties is much more beneficial to growth than avoiding them (although that would be so much easier in the moment!)
By taking the time to help others understand your journey & how to support you, you foster a deeper connection & more reliable support network which is MUCH MORE conducive to success than cutting people off it (we may exist in an individualistic society/culture but we are meant to thrive with others, we are a social species!)
We want to have positive connections, support, and community in the pursuit of our goals and we especially want it from our loved ones!
Cutting people off without taking the time to consider where they might be coming from is very unfair
Imagine if they changed something in their life for the better or worse, you would have a reaction to it too, right?
If they are someone you want to keep in your circle, then this graphic could support your process before making a decision like cutting them off
I led a workshop for a few teams as well as my own clients and members on effective communication strategies and these were some of the common themes which came out of it
Which by the way, if you want access to that workshop you can dm me for it and I am happy to provide you the link to enroll for access to it and hundreds of other resources and workshops?@celestial_fit
If any of these are relatable for you, I would love to hear your thoughts!??