Issue 4 - Unsupervised Learning: It's elementary my dear Watson
In this issue, we'll explore unsupervised learning, a type of machine learning where the model learns patterns from unlabeled data. I bet some of you have seen those detective shows where the detective has to solve a case without any clear clues or guidance. That's kind of what unsupervised learning is like. The model has to make sense of the data without any labels or predefined answers.
Unsupervised right, sounds like there's no parents at home, no one to guide the model?
Exactly! In unsupervised learning, the model is left to its own devices to find patterns in the data. It's like giving a child a bunch of toys and letting them figure out how to play with them.
Unsupervised learning in action
We just covered supervised learning, where the model is given labeled data to learn from. That makes sense, right? You show the model a picture of something with proper labels, and it learns to recognize that thing. But the opposite, what does that mean?
Ok, so what does unsupervised learning mean?
Unsupervised learning is like giving the model a bunch of pictures without any labels and asking it to find patterns on its own.
But, how does the model know what to look for and how does it form these patterns?
That's where clustering comes in. Clustering is a technique used in unsupervised learning to group similar data points together. Imagine you have a bunch of pictures of animals, and you want the model to group them based on their features. The model might cluster the pictures into groups like "dogs", "cats", and "birds"
Hold up, I thought you said we didn't have labels in unsupervised learning?
Yes, that's correct. The model doesn't have access to the labels, but it can still find patterns in the data.
So how does the model know what to call these groups?
The model doesn't "know" in the traditional sense. It's more like the model identifies patterns in the data and groups similar data points together.
Can you give me an example of clustering in action?
Sure! Let's say you have a dataset of customer purchase history, and you want to group customers based on their buying behavior. The model might cluster customers into groups like "frequent buyers", "occasional buyers", and "window shoppers" based on their purchase patterns.
Ok, but how do I know that's what the model is doing?
That's where visualization comes in. You can use visualization techniques like scatter plots or heatmaps to see how the data is clustered.
Aah, so I won't know what the model is up to until I see the results?
Correct! Unsupervised learning is all about exploring the data and finding hidden patterns without predefined labels.
Very cool, can we work on some examples next within different areas?
Sure, let's work on the e-commerce example we just discussed and see how clustering can help businesses understand their customers better.
Example - e-commerce customer segmentation
So the basis here is that we have a bunch of data on customer purchase history, and we want to segment customers into different groups based on their buying behavior. Why we want to do this? Well, it can help businesses tailor their marketing strategies to different customer segments.
Ok, so how do we start?
Let's start with the data. We have information on customer purchases like the amount spent, the frequency of purchases, and the types of products bought. That usually means we have this in a table format, where each row represents a customer and each column represents a feature, something like the below rows:
| Customer ID | Amount Spent | Frequency | Product Type |
| 1 | 100 | 5 | Electronics |
| 2 | 50 | 2 | Clothing |
| 3 | 200 | 10 | Electronics |
| 4 | 150 | 7 | Books |
Great, we have data, you said something about determining the number of clusters? Could you give me a hint on used algorithms maybe a library I could use?
Sure, determining the number of clusters is an important step in clustering. You can use techniques like the elbow method or the silhouette score to find the optimal number of clusters. As for algorithms, popular clustering algorithms include K-means, DBSCAN, and hierarchical clustering. You can use libraries like scikit-learn in Python to implement these algorithms.
Wow, that was a lot at once, could you explain the elbow method and silhouette score in simple terms?
The elbow method helps you find the optimal number of clusters by looking at the rate of decrease in the within-cluster sum of squares as you increase the number of clusters.
Uhm, can you explain that in simpler terms?
Sure! Imagine you're trying to decide how many groups to divide your customers into. The elbow method helps you find the "elbow point" on a graph where the rate of decrease in the sum of squares slows down, indicating the optimal number of clusters.
It's a little clearer now, what about the silhouette score?
The silhouette score measures how similar an object is to its cluster compared to other clusters. A higher silhouette score indicates that the object is well-matched to its cluster and poorly matched to neighboring clusters.
Ok, object, cluster, neighboring clusters, could you explain that in simpler terms?
Imagine you have a bunch of customers, and you want to group them based on their purchase behavior. The silhouette score helps you evaluate how well each customer fits into their group compared to other groups.
That makes sense, what if a customer doesn't fit well into any group?
That's where domain knowledge comes in. Sometimes, customers might not fit neatly into any group, and that's where you as a domain expert can make the final call on how to segment them.
Good, I'm still needed :)
So we have the data, we know how to determine the number of clusters, you talked about the algorithms, could you explain K-means in simple terms, like pretend I'm a 5-year-old?
K-means is like playing a game of "guess the middle" with your friends. You have a bunch of toys scattered around, and you want to find the toy that's in the middle of all the toys. You keep guessing and moving the toys around until you find the toy that's closest to all the other toys.
Cute example, but how does that relate to customer segmentation?
In customer segmentation, K-means helps you group customers based on their similarities. The algorithm tries to find the "center" of each group of customers by minimizing the distance between each customer and the center of their group.
Why would I want to find the center of a group of customers?
Finding the center of a group helps you understand the common characteristics of that group. For example, if the center of a group of customers is high spending and frequent purchases, you might label that group as "loyal customers."
But you just talked about different clusters and groups and now center, is that center of all customers or center of a group?
The center is specific to each group of customers. Each group has its own center.
I see, nice
We talked about K-means, what about DBSCAN?
DBSCAN is like playing "neighborhood detective." You have a bunch of houses on a street, and you want to find the houses that are close to each other. You start at one house and look at its neighbors. If the neighbors are close enough, you group them together.
Ok, when would I use DBSCAN over K-means?
DBSCAN is useful when you have clusters of varying shapes and densities. It can find clusters of different sizes and shapes without assuming a specific number of clusters.
So do I need to know the number of clusters beforehand?
No, that's the beauty of DBSCAN. It can find clusters of varying sizes and shapes without needing to know the number of clusters in advance.
But with K-means, I need to know the number of clusters?
Yes, with K-means, you typically need to specify the number of clusters beforehand.
So when I instruct a library like scikit-learn to use K-means, I need to tell it how many clusters to find?
Exactly! You would specify the number of clusters as a parameter when using K-means in scikit-learn.
So why not use DBSCAN all the time?
DBSCAN can be computationally expensive for large datasets, so it's important to consider the size and complexity of your data when choosing between K-means and DBSCAN.
That makes sense, thanks for the explanation
Semi-supervised learning
Of course there's a hybrid approach, semi-supervised learning, where you have a mix of labeled and unlabeled data. This can be useful when you have a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data.
Ok, can we keep using the e-commerce example and tell me what type of data would be labeled and what would be unlabeled?
In the e-commerce example, the labeled data might be customer purchase history with labels like "high spender" or "low spender." The unlabeled data could be additional customer data without these labels.
I haven't labeled all my customers yet, but I want to group them based on their purchase behavior?
Exactly! Semi-supervised learning allows you to leverage the small amount of labeled data you have to make predictions on the larger unlabeled dataset.
Cool, so then I can use my existing labelled data as part of the input and then predict the labels for the unlabeled data? Let me guess, I would also use K-means as I have a small dataset and I know the number of clusters, i.e the number of customer segments I want to create?
Yes, that's one way to approach it! You can use the labeled data to guide the clustering process and then make predictions on the unlabeled data.
Any reason with this scenario I would use DBSCAN over K-means?
In this scenario, where you have a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data, K-means might be more suitable due to its simplicity and ease of use. DBSCAN is more useful when you have clusters of varying shapes and densities.
In your experience with e-commerce, does customer behavior tend to be more like K-means or DBSCAN?
In e-commerce, customer behavior can vary widely, so it's possible to see clusters of different shapes and densities. However, K-means is often used due to its simplicity and interpretability.
K-means or DBSCAN?
Sounds like it's worth to maybe try both and see which one works best for my data?
Yes, that's a great approach! Experimenting with different clustering algorithms can help you find the best fit for your specific dataset and problem.
And the visualization part which tell me which approach is better?
Exactly! Visualization can help you understand how the data is clustered and which algorithm is performing best for your specific use case.
On that, how can I tell by the visualization which algorithm is performing better?
Well, you can look at the clusters formed by each algorithm and see if they make sense based on your domain knowledge. You can also compare metrics like the silhouette score to evaluate the quality of the clusters.
Cool, I think I have a good grasp on unsupervised learning now.
Wrapping up
So, we went through unsupervised learning, where the model learns patterns from unlabeled data using techniques like clustering. We explored how clustering can help businesses understand their customers better and how algorithms like K-means and DBSCAN work. We also touched on semi-supervised learning and how it can be used in scenarios with a mix of labeled and unlabelled data.
It almost feels like the model is a detective, trying to uncover hidden patterns in the data without any guidance, don't you think?
Stay tuned for another exciting issue soon. Let me know in the comments what you'd like to learn more about next!