Unsupervised Land Use Land Cover

Unsupervised Land Use Land Cover

The method uses atmospherically compensated 8-band (optical+NIR) images from the WorldView-2 and WorldView-3 satellites. For each image pixel a similarity index is computed between its spectral signature (radiometric vector data) and entries from a custom spectral-signature library. LULC layers are generated by a hierarchical class assignment algorithm and are post-processed by connected and structural morphological operators for noise reduction. An intelligent blend-in method guarantees class overlap resolution and minor blank spot treatment. 

The LULC method is based on a number of image analysis algorithms that do not require user input for class feature learning (machine learning) and classification. It is fully automated and concludes in < 2min for typical WorldView-2 multi-spectral full extent data sets, i.e. 120km x  20km @ 2m spatial resolution. 

The LULC output contains the following classes: vegetation, bare soil, water, cloud, shadows (major), no-data zones & unclassified (mostly built-up). 

The LULC method is available on the GBDX platform of DigitalGlobe; task name protogenV2LULC.

Gallery (click the images for better resolution)

Alexandria, Egypt

Latakia, Syria

Buenos Aires, Argentina


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not those of the author's employer and/or volunteer affiliations. The methods, algorithms and instructions are meant for educational purposes only and are not part of or in full, any official product.


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