Unsung Heroes: Professional Messaging Experts to the Rescue
Natalie Gullatt
B2B Marketing Thought Leader | Customer Marketing (Lifecycle, Advocacy & Growth) and Digital Marketing
In today’s crazy-busy world, maybe you don’t want just another tool. You don’t want “just” a text and chat software provider. You want help. You want help reaching more customers, from engaging and bringing in new business to providing current customers with the most positive experiences.
And no, chatbots can’t help you here—at least not completely. (As our CEO Rob Locascio stated, “…bad bot behavior is just as negative as a bad phone experience.”)
Chatbots might eventually help with more routine, menial tasks of customer service, but when it comes to complex, big-ticket items like a vehicle or home, human-to-human interaction can’t be beat. It can, however, be streamlined and improved with powerful technology.
This is where Contact At Once! and our Professional Messaging Expert team come in.
Meet These Hidden Messaging Masters
Our industry-trained messaging experts manage chat and text conversations on behalf of over 6,000 businesses in a variety of ways: Some just want help being available after-hours. Some want backup—help managing conversations and capturing sales opportunities that busy employees would otherwise miss. And some want to keep their team focused on closing deals (or other tasks), so they rely on our Professional Messaging Expert team to manage all their mobile messaging.
It’s like having a “special ops” customer care team waiting in the wings. Because along with appointment setting, gathering contact details and passing on any follow-up needed with your team, the messaging experts excel at establishing real connections day or night. That’s pretty important, considering a chat or text may be the first interaction a shopper has with your company (and we all know that a good—or bad—first impression can linger a looong time).
Alexis Whitman, our Managed Services Site Director, used to work in call centers and knows how challenging it is to create a real connection via mobile messaging: “I tell my team: ‘It isn’t cheesy in chat.’ We have to go the extra mile to express emotion because we don’t have the benefit of facial expressions, body language or tone of voice.”
With that in mind, the Contact At Once! messaging experts don’t robotically hound people for their name and phone number. They earn lead information by answering questions, empathizing and having a real (yet still professional) conversation. In fact, over 70% of those interactive chat and text messages turn into leads! “The difference is amazing,” according to this happy BDC Director.
Wherever, Whenever Needed
Even better? Unlike other “managed chat” options, these messaging experts aren’t restricted to your individual company site. They use the Contact At Once! platform after all! They can provide that attentive service, relationship-building and lead cultivation wherever people message you, from third-party advertising to display ads, review sites, corporate/brand sites and more.
Essentially, Professional Messaging Experts are able to do what no other messaging teams can do (bot or otherwise): create an always-on presence—everywhere—with a truly personal touch. We’re beyond proud to have them as part of our Contact At Once! team. You’ll be beyond happy to have them as part of yours (if you don’t already).
Stay tuned to meet more of the people behind the industry’s most powerful mobile messaging software, dedicated to making your experience rock!