UNSTUCK: The FLOW Manifest Series
The ongoing sharing of excerpts from my book. A book which is really the voice-over narrative of the FLOW Manifest Workshop Program I take leaders through to make bigger plans, play on a larger field and experience breakthrough outcomes. If anyone would like a copy of the full manuscript - happy to share it with you.
This excerpt is a doozy. All this planning and intentioning - and all about MANIFESTING - and now I am telling you the secret ingredient it all of it is to LET IT GO.
Enjoy. The Paradox.
“If we could untangle the mysteries of life and unravel the energies which run through the world; if we could evaluate correctly the significance of passing events; if we could measure the struggles, dilemmas, and aspirations of mankind, we could find that nothing is born out of time. Everything comes at its appointed moment.” —Joseph R. Sizoo
Oh boy.? So this is the part where I might lose a bunch of you.? We explored earlier the concept of duality and touched on the idea of Paradoxes.? Or did we?? Life is full of very powerful paradoxes.? I am sure you have noticed.? Here are some common ones we probably refer to every day.
The more you try to control, the less control you have.
The more you learn, the more you realize how much you don’t know.
The more you have, the more you have to lose.?
We might explore more of these because there is so much available perspective and wisdom to be found in paradoxes – they are indeed very powerful concepts.? For now I want to explore a very central paradox related to what we have been engaged in.
The only way to have everything you want is to be willing to let it go.?
And this is not some kind of mind trick.? It is not a superstition or even a ‘hack’.? I can guarantee though, that the very best things happen once we get to a place where we can just simply Let Go.?
Here’s what’s behind that.?
Letting Go does two crucial things.?
1.???? Creates space and freedom from attachment.? Separates a need from a want – a demand from a request and liberates us from being dependent on things going a certain way.? Remember that work we did at the beginning where we saw how some of the best things in our life came almost directly out of some of the worst things in our life.? This Letting Go mindset provides that space.? It creates a kind of freedom for us and for the flexible universe to do its thing.
2.???? Keeps us lose and agile.? More adaptable.? Go with the Flow, you know?? Think about the difference of being rigid and stiff – all pent-up and attached to a specific outcome and how this restricts flow.?? There’s that word again.? You can see how and why we will be digging into that more and more for the rest of this workshop.
So for these very practical and common-sense reasons, it pays off to get loose, be non-attached and to Let Go.?
Without getting too deep into our personal beliefs about life, there is also just a very magic thing that seems to occur in our exchange with the universe – with life – call it ‘luck’ if you want to.? Or ‘The Force’ if you’re into the whole mitochondria thing.? But yes – there is an alchemy that occurs almost the very minute you become willing to Let Go.
It is a most delicate balance that I am asking you to venture here.?
Think about it.?
On one hand I have encouraged you – challenged you really – to use your imagination.? To set it loose on visioning what you want for your life, for your organization and to be quite specific in mapping that out.?
You have gone so far as declaring THIS IS WHAT WE/I WANT!? To put it out there.? To build a very clear vision of what you want to happen.?
And now I am asking you to also LET IT GO.? Please don’t walk out.? Don’t throw the book in the trash.
The idea here is to stay loose.? To go with that FLOW I keep referring to.? You can’t be in flow while at the same time fiercely attached to things going a very specific and certain way.? It is counter intuitive and the very opposite of flow.? At some point in this process, you will need to LET GO so that your best vision will be ALLOWED to happen.? Allowing a thing to occur is more powerful than forcing it.?
There is another very essential and important element in this.
Do you remember when I asked you to identify WHY(s).? The WHY you wanted each thing and what you identified it doing for you?? It’s the conceptual difference of THE MAP and THE TERRITORY.? You’ve probably heard of this distinction before.? All the things we think we want for ourselves, for our organizations and for business – we can call these the MAP.? These are the representative landmarks and identifying features of the map we are following to get what we think we ultimately want – those WHY(s).?
In life we can and do get so caught up in the MAP that not only do we forget the territory, we often pursue the map at the EXPENSE of the territory.? In other words, we lose sight of why we were pursuing a thing in the first place.?
A willingness to LET GO and the mindset that goes with this more flexible relationship with the things we might only think we want, allows the universe to operate and collaborate for our higher good and move us towards the TERRITORY, free of the MAP.?
‘That’s a bit much’ some of you might be thinking.? It can get as deep and metaphysical as you want it to be OR stay very simple and pragmatic.? The quickest way to get what you really want is to be willing to LET GO and let your intention pave the way.? We will get into INTENTION next.?
Right now, is a good time to look back and take stock of what we have been engaged in.
Here are the most critical and meaningful themes and concepts we have worked our way through so far.? Let’s take a quick review together and make some notes about what each concept can mean for you, moving forward.
Flow and Peak Performance: Central to the program is the concept of flow, defined as a state of deep focus and complete immersion in an activity, leading to high levels of creativity and performance. We started off by introducing this concept. It will be central, obviously, to the whole program – that’s why we named it the Flow Series.? For now we have just introduced the idea that there is this state of being called Flow and talked about its benefits.? We will come back to it and dive into its particulars along with how to set yourself up to be in this state as often as possible.? So for now – just know it is a desirable place to be and we will find out more later.? If you are willing to, you can consider FLOW like a benevolent energy in the universe that is always on your side.? If your mind is willing to accept that.?
Self-Reflection and the amazing power of Perception: We spent some time expanding on the importance of perspective and perception. Through various exercises you were encouraged to examine your life events, understand your reactions to different scenarios, and gain insights into your own behaviors and the stories you have been telling yourself.? Most importantly and I hope you got this – that the way we look at things is of fundamental importance to the kinds of success we can expect to have.? Examining things through new lenses and from different angles is a crucial way to unlock potential in your life.? We tried on new ways to perceive life, ourselves and the way things work out.
Personal Beliefs and Mindset: ?A significant focus so far has been placed on understanding and exploring your personal beliefs, particularly around concepts of what is possible and, more importantly, impossible. This theme addresses how these beliefs shape one's experiences and actions, and the importance of challenging and reframing limiting beliefs.? The most amazing part of this is that so many of our beliefs are quiet and go unchallenged.? We don’t even know we have them.? It is also important to note that we have these beliefs as individuals but we also have collective beliefs about the groups we are part of as well as the organizations we work for – So there is both a business and personal aspect to all this work we are doing right now.
Duality and Resilience: We spent some time diving into the concept of duality.? Through some source material and exercises we explored the idea that neutrality and objectivity become an important way to rise above the places where we may have felt stuck or defeated.? We explored the idea of character and resilience? - what we do in the face of the so-called signals that life sends us and the power of our inside life compared to the outside one.? We gained insight by examining the stories we tell ourselves. ?especially in understanding the interplay between strengths and weaknesses, and the concept of 'superpowers' alongside their 'shadows'. This theme underscores the importance of acknowledging and balancing both positive and negative aspects of oneself.
Breakthroughs and Transformation: The difference between change and transformation and incremental achievement and breakthrough are important to understand.? So we spent some time differentiating between incremental change and true transformation, encouraging participants to aim for breakthrough results in both personal and professional contexts. An important part of this concept is that much of the time in business and also in life – we base our futures on what has happened in the past.? While there is basic logic and predictability to this approach, it can severely limit the scale and scope of our future plans.? It is like saying if it didn’t happen before, it won’t happen now.? Or any changes will be incremental based on what we’ve observed in the past.? It is important to know what kind of future you are aiming for before you start making plans about what you want for your future.? You know?
Vision Setting: So once we decided ?to aim for bigger outcomes – we began to get into it.? We started by reminding ourselves of the sheer power and necessity of IMAGINATION.? ?How tapping into this creative resource could begin to set a vision for what we wanted.? We spend so much time just living our lives and doing the things we do on a daily basis, it’s as if we forgot how to dream.? So we spent some time simply liberating this ability in us.? Using our imagination more freely when we dreamed up what we wanted for our businesses and for our lives.? This set the stage for getting really clear on the vision for these areas of our lives.? We even examined ‘why’ we wanted these things so that we could be as clear and focused as possible while remaining open to the magic of creativity.? For real, this is powerful stuff all on its own.? This is an activity that benefits our businesses and personal lives profoundly.? And just now we took these visions and put flesh on them. We got super vivid in how we see them in our mind’s eye to make them as specific and crystal clear as we could.?
Letting Go.? The almost unbelievable and counter-intuitive force represented by the willingness to let go and simply let it happen.? To trust the wisdom and efficacy of the universe – or whatever you want to call that benevolent force that just seems to make things happen.? Probably the most important and overlooked piece of the of the process.? It runs contrary to every instinct in society but is the missing ingredient – the most important part – like the yeast in the bread that makes it rise (that was horrible, sorry).?
So that’s where we are right now.?
Now comes the very next profoundly uncommon thing that we are about to do.?
We are going to turn these visions into a SHARED INTENT.? Let’s talk about that a little more.?
You might notice we skipped the SUMMARY portion for this section – that’s because we summarized the entire program to this point, just above.? So that’s why.? Consider yourself caught up.? But to hit one last time on the sheer POWER OF LETTING GO – I wanted to share with you a reading.? This comes from just a ‘normal’ person – someone who is trying to apply these principles and concepts to their lives.? I will leave them anonymous because that is how they wish it to be.? But this is a great perspective, worth sharing.
Do not worry about how the good that has been planned for you will come. It will come. Do not worry, obsess, and think you have to control it, go out hunting for it, or tangle your mind trying to figure out how and when it will find you. It will find you. Surrender to your Higher Power (the universe, the Force, luck) each day. Trust. Then, stay peaceful. Trust and listen to yourself. That is how the good you want will come to you. Your healing. Your joy. Your relationships. Your solutions. That job. That desired change. That opportunity. It will come to you – naturally, with ease, and in a host of ways. That answer will come. The direction will come. The money. The idea. The energy. The creativity. The path will open itself to you. Trust that, for it has already been planned. It is futile, a waste and drain of energy, to worry about how it will come. It is already there. You have it already. It is in place. You just cannot see it! You will be brought to it, or it will be brought to you. Today, I will relax and trust that the good I need, will find me. Either through my leadings, or the leadings of others, all I want and need will come to me when the time is right.
It’s called a paradox because it is.? We are doing all this work shaping our very specific visions.? Next we are going to make an intention for bringing these things into life.? After that we are going to map out the plan for making these things happen.? Yet at the very same time I ask you to be willing to LET IT ALL GO simultaneously.? And what I am referring to and why we are dealing with it now – is you want to have this non-attached and free and easy mindset because it allows things to happen more naturally.? With FLOW.?
Go with the Flow.
Try.? But Try Easy!? Ride that horse but sit lightly in the saddle.? Don’t grip too tight.? All those other annoying analogies which are probably really confusing to your right now.? All I can say is Trust Me.? Because this is HOW it works.?
Conference Host, Speaker and Moderator. 3 X Hall of Fame Inductee Host of Chatter that Matters Podcast / Founding Partner Chatter AI
8 个月mike power - tease. Drip feeding your amazing content
Senior Marketing and Communications Executive | Impact Maker | Collaborator and Networker Extraodonaire | Bridge Builder| Team Builder | Project Leader | Creative, Innovative Thinker | Ringette and Pickleball Lover
8 个月This is a really great read Mike - thank you. Years ago, I embraced this same sort of concept - I laid the groundwork, did the thinking and then - as hard as it was - I let it all go. And I trusted. The answer came to me in the most mundane ways, while chopping onions for a soup I was making for my mother-in-law who was sick. Smiling, I thought to myself, I love making this soup for her as it will make her so happy. It suddenly dawned on me that the things I most enjoyed in my personal, volunteer and professional lives were to work on things that bring other people joy. It was like time stopped and from there I was able to triage things that came my way and truly trust my gut. And, as you say, just go with the flow.