Unsolicited Career Advice: The Upside of Being Uncomfortable
Most people learn and grow the most when they feel the need to do so. The need to learn and grow is most potently felt when you are in situations where you are uncomfortable. So, the logic follows, that consistently putting yourself in situations where you feel uncomfortable is the most strategic approach to consistent and deep growth. Here are some guideposts along the uncomfortable (yet rewarding and essential) journey of growth:
The Pull of Comfort
No one likes to be uncomfortable. When it is cold, we put on a coat. When we are hungry, we eat. When we are thirsty, we drink. When we feel exposed or vulnerable, we seek cover. We are hard wired to seek situations that are safe and comfortable. So, consistently seeking situations where we are uncomfortable will be counterintuitive and require more effort as we are required to swim against the current of our natural makeup and inclinations. The effort is worth it as the path of comfort leads to stagnation and stunts growth and learning. We have all experienced that reality in our own lives and seen it clearly in the lives of others.
The Power of Yes
I read a lot of articles on LI about how we should say "no" to most opportunities that come our way and how the most effective people say no to almost everything. I get the point - we need to be strategic about the use of our time, energy and resources. But, like with all advice, that line of thinking should be balanced with the reality that consistently putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations will follow from saying "yes" to (the right) opportunities.
Several years ago I was given the opportunity to be part of a panel for Broadridge about remote AGMs. I was busy and the the opportunity made me a bit nervous. I almost said no. But, then I leaned into the discomfort (both from a schedule perspective and public-speaking perspective) and said "yes." It so happened, that one of the other panelists was the great Frank M. Placenti and we hit it off. A few weeks later, Frank asked me to co-chair the In-House Subcommittee of the ABA Corporate Governance Committee. Again, I was a bit nervous, but I said "yes." That yes led me to my first encounter with the ABA, the Conversations with GCs Podcast (which was the #1 ABA Business Law Section Podcast for 2022), the opportunity to meet and spend time with fantastic corporate governance lawyers and their efforts to grow and improve the corporate governance landscape, etc. The entire journey started with one "yes" and, now looking back several years later, resulted in a significant amount of growth.
What adventures await for each of us on the backside of a "yes"?
The Power of Initiative
Great opportunities to grow and learn (yes, those uncomfortable ones) sometimes come to us, but often (especially early in our careers), we have to seek them out. There are always panels to join, articles to write, courses to take, speeches to give, classes to teach, projects to take on, etc. I had the opportunity to teach securities regulation (my favorite area of the law by far) at CU and DU because I asked if there was a need. I had the opportunity to attend Georgetown for my LL.M. in Securities and Financial Regulation because I knew I needed to grow in the area and spent time to find out the best place where I could grow. On and on.
The point here is this - find an area of the law that you are interested in and dive in. You will be surprised at the warm welcome you will receive if you offer to help on projects and take on work in your field of interest. And always remember, the worst that someone can say is "no." And, that is really not all that bad. There are countless opportunities out there. Keep at it!
Putting It All Together
Consistently putting ourselves in situations where we feel uncomfortable leads to consistent and deep growth. Here are some things to keep in mind as you embark on the journey:
- You have to swim against the current to consistently put yourself in situations where you will be uncomfortable because we are hardwired to seek comfort. The effort is worth it.
- While we don't need to say "yes" to every opportunity, we should say "yes" to those opportunities that will enable you to stay on the uncomfortable path of growth. Next time an opportunity to speak or write on a topic that interests you, take a moment to reflect before you say no. Will this opportunity help you grow? If so, try "yes" and enjoy the adventure and growth that awaits.
- While opportunities will start to come to you as your career and reputation progresses, initiative plays a key role as you are first embarking on the journey of growth. If you are interested in an opportunity, go for it. The worst they can say is no.
Regulatory Healthcare Attorney
2 å¹´These were so helpful in class! I'm glad you're sharing your insights with your broader community!
Seasoned Lawyer, Advisor and Board Member
2 å¹´David is way too kind to me and way to hard on himself. His performance in every one of those settings was extraordinary.