Thursday, June 10, 2021
Emotions are a flow of experiences of feelings. Emotions can be Internal & External.
Understanding Emotions
When emotions are triggered, we are in grip of that emotion. Which limits our ability to think clearly, and it disturbs the choices of how we can respond.
Everyone is born with the ability to experience emotions, as we are emotional beings. We have the sensitivity to feel, love and rejection as well. Emotions can be defined as negative & positive, depending on the experience you have lived. Unfortunately, some, experienced negative emotions and those negative experiences has marked them and changed them in a very deep way. Some decides to take their lives, others decide to go into drugs, alcohol or tabaco seeking a way to help them to cope with the hurts that they have experienced.
“Unsilenced/matter & Die/no more” is a project that has started for many years in my heart as I have heard the cry of many, including mine, for the loss of their love ones including my own experiences. The priority of this project is to enable and help the youth to see life’s multiple choices instead to see suicide as an ultimate and only choice. To help them to grow by presenting them positive options and to see living as an opportunity to change someone’s life and to live their purpose to the fullest.
This project is explicit to help individuals that want to change their status and they want to speak-up and want the sound of their cry be heard.
I wanted to be heard, but shame and fear to be judged was on my way and I silenced myself for over 30 years and those 30 years were not positive for me as I did not do anything to change my status. Living in fear and in pain is the most horrible way to live. As, I experienced guilt, fear, rejection, and abuse I started to experience isolation and I found myself mentally and emotional lost with no sense of direction.
And one of the major issues with emotional pain is that you are just not the one hurting, but other are hurting as well. Our pain is causing other to feel pain, but we don’t see it as we are mentally, emotionally blinded and is not our fault.
“Unsilenced/matter & Die/no more” has been created to help individuals to have a choice and to listen to their cry and help them to re-stablish a relationship of love and acceptance (I) And help them to focus on their purpose and regain the confidence with themselves by themselves, as well with others.
By: Gorge Garcia
Addiction & Mental Health Worker Counselor & OCSWSSW Member.