the unseen world is boundless
Justin Castelli, RLP?, CFP?
aligning your finances with your authentic life, founder RLS Wealth, co-founder of The AGC? and founder of PRST?
“Without the spiritual component, the artist works with a crucial disadvantage. The spiritual world provides a sense of wonder and a degree of open-mindedness not always found within the confines of science. The world of reason can be narrow and filled with dead ends, while a spiritual viewpoint is limitless and invites fantastic possibilities. The unseen world is boundless.” - Rick Rubin
Whether you see your Self as an artist or not, you are, in fact, creating and designing your life like an artist does a painting, a song, or other masterpiece we associate with an artist.
Rubin’s quote reminds us of the importance of “spirit” in aligning spirit, mind, and body; he also approaches the importance of spirituality from a different perspective. When I speak of your connection to your spiritual Self, I often refer to its importance as your connection to your Higher Power that helps you move toward your authentic Self and life–it’s the beginning of your guide. But, here Rubin brings to our attention the freedom your connection to your spiritual Self brings in the form of creativity, wonder, and open-mindedness that allows you to find your authentic Self outside the constraints of the status quo.
The possibilities for what you might create in and with your life are endless, but only if you tap into your spiritual Self to pull inspiration from what is possible, not just settling for what you already know is possible in the physical world.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,