The Unseen Pitfalls of Motorcycle Credit Hire: A Wake-Up Call for the Industry?

In the rapidly expanding world of motorcycle credit hire, the convenience of getting back on the road swiftly after an accident is a significant relief for many. However, recent alarming trends have surfaced, casting a shadow over the industry and raising serious ethical and legal concerns. As a leading supplier of investigative solutions to the insurance industry, we feel compelled to shed light on these issues to raise awareness, protect consumers and uphold the integrity of the sector.

Forged Signatures: A Breach of Trust

One of the most egregious practices we’ve encountered repeatedly involves certain motorcycle credit hire providers forging the signatures of their hirers. This unethical behaviour not only breaches the trust placed in these providers but also exposes hirers to unforeseen financial liabilities. Forging signatures is not just a fraudulent act; it undermines the very foundation of contractual agreements and can have severe legal repercussions for both the provider and the unsuspecting hirer.

Hidden Liabilities: A Legal Blindside

Another disturbing trend we have identified is the failure of some providers to inform hirers about their legal liabilities regarding the fees generated from the credit hire agreement. Hire costs, we are keen to highlight, typically in excess of £25k for a £1500 total loss of the bike. Transparency is a cornerstone of ethical business practices, and withholding such crucial information from hirers is deceitful. Many hirers are left in the dark about the financial obligations they may incur, leading to significant stress and potential legal battles once the hire period ends. This lack of clarity can turn a seemingly straightforward solution into a financial nightmare. Interestingly, when the hirer is alerted to their obligations by the fault insurers, the CHO issues an immediate statement allegedly from the hirer, outlining alleged underhanded and threatening tactics.


Coercion Tactics: Manipulating the Vulnerable

Perhaps even more disturbing, is that we have also received first-hand reports of hirers being coerced by credit hire providers. Hirers are being told that if they do not accept a replacement motorcycle through the credit hire scheme, their claim will not be processed. This form of manipulation is wholly unethical and raises serious questions. It preys on the vulnerability of individuals already distressed by an accident, pushing them into agreements that may not be in their best interest.


What Can Be Done?

As stakeholders and suppliers to the insurance and legal sectors, we must advocate for higher standards of transparency and ethical behaviour within the motorcycle credit hire industry. Some, if not all of the CHO's, are providing services directly under contract from the very same insurers, who, when acting for the at-fault party, will be faced with their exorbitant fees and 'shonky' practices.

A few steps that can help address these issues might be:


1.?? Increased Oversight and Regulation: Regulatory bodies should impose stricter oversight on credit hire providers to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards. Regular audits and stringent penalties for misconduct can deter unethical practices.

2.?? Consumer Education: Hirers should be adequately informed about their rights and obligations before entering into a credit hire agreement. Clear and accessible information can empower consumers to make informed decisions.

3.?? Reporting and Accountability: Encourage hirers to report any unethical practices they encounter. Establishing a robust reporting mechanism can help identify and address malpractices swiftly.

4.?? Legal Recourse: Ensure that hirers have access to legal advice and support if they find themselves misled or coerced. Legal protection can provide a safety net against exploitation.


The motorcycle credit hire industry plays a vital role in helping individuals recover from accidents and get back on the road. However, it is crucial to maintain ethical standards and transparency to protect consumers from unscrupulous practices. By addressing these issues head-on, we can work towards a fairer and more trustworthy industry for all.

David Booker CEO

?DLB Investigations Ltd 2024

DLB Investigations provide a wide range of investigative services to the Insurance industry.




