Unrequited Love
Tingles down your spine
The adrenalin rush
Your very first crush
Love so strong
The bond concrete
Feelings so sweet
Tender moments
Sleepless nights
Your First love holding you tight
Dates at the pictures
Meals with friends
Times you thought would never end
The smell of your skin
Your scent in the air
It's hard to believe your no longer there
Letting go was the hardest to do
The tears I cried would top up the sea
For now -I replay past memories
Over and over
I see your face
My mind racing
My love - was strong and true
Somehow - it was not the same for you
Songs on the radio we used to play
Tears flowing
Thoughts of yesterday
Please make the pain go away
I never recognised the tell tale signs
Blinded by my love
Awoken in the end - by the note that you left
Deep In my heart - I will never forget
My heartaches
Sadly we were not meant to be
Wishing you would have told me
Instead of leaving me this way
Feeling empty - dreaming away
So much I wanted to say
Now time to move on
Faith on my side
Inner strength to carry on
Unrequited love - the cruelest of them all
Time to shut the chapter -on this lonely door
Hopeful for Cupids arrow to come and rescue me
Finding me worthy
Freeing me from this love -that entraps me
Guiding my spirit to find someone new
Eventually forgetting all about you x
Written by Melanie Moses
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