Unquestionable evidence that daily action will lead you to amazing results
Oprah Winfrey, a typical example proving that daily actions will create incredible success. Getty Images photo.

Unquestionable evidence that daily action will lead you to amazing results

In our last article “A true secret which will certainly enable you to attain amazing results” accessible at the link: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/true-secret-which-certainly-enable-you-attain-amazing-ndabananiye-hkizf/?trackingId=BePvKaHST4WgsSltwHEo2Q%3D%3D, we promised to answer questions that remained in an edition which would follow. So, that’s what we are going to accomplish with this article and we are going to immediately start with the following first question.


What are practical examples which prove the statement that daily action shall beget spectacular success?

Real examples abound everywhere in the world. All extraordinarily successful figures such as the wealthiest ones on this Earth have applied the same tactic. Even for the so-called overnight businesses to accumulate their success, their founders or leaders and or staff have used the same approach. Yet still, when you analyze deeply, you find that no overnight business actually exists, as we will elucidate in some of our next editions.

With regard to whatever you intend to achieve, you need to daily take action. If you aspire to obtain a very good job, you must daily take action like mastering a career you desire through self-teaching for example and internalizing interviewing tricks, and learning from top experts in the careers, among others.

Tony Robbins. Getty Images picture.

Some typical examples include Tony Robbins, Sylvester Stallone, and Oprah Winfrey.Robbins’ net worth isn’t below $600 million and the source of this staggering wealth is only $35 which he spent to attend a certain seminar, when he was 17 years-old. The net worth, of Stallone whom you may already know as Rambo in the film industry, is not less than $400 million. ?For you to understand more about Robbins and Stallone, you can click on these links: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/tony-robbins-hardships-which-have-paved-his-path-ndabananiye-4s07f/?trackingId=IfCf6OOiRf2LldaN5cj2Sw%3D%3D, and https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dont-despair-all-youll-achieve-success-you-desire-case-ndabananiye-bucjf/?trackingId=UjFGxRzBSNSySJ%2BMNsA0pQ%3D%3D.

Sylvester Stallone/Rambo. Getty Images photo.

But what can briefly say is that both Robbins and Stallone are amazing and wealthy personalities who have overcome their huge hardships, by performing daily actions. Oprah, who has also gone through extreme adversities, has defeated the latter ones by conducting daily action. If you want to be enlightened a bit more on Oprah, you can read our last article whose link has already been provided since this article contains a section around this significantly influential woman.

Even all other extremely famous rich people- including the 2024 top 10 richest ones: Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Larry Ellison, Sergey Brin, and Warren Buffett- have resorted to daily action, to become the most successful in the world. To simplify the point, let’s underline that successful people from the local scale to the global extent have all employed this mechanism of daily taking action, for them to turn successful.



Even myself, I have been observing amazing achievements, of course, proportional to my level. Whenever I decide to daily work on a given field, I already notice impressive results within less than a year. For example, let me express myself about this field of writing. I have been performing daily action relating to it since last July. In this month, I could scarcely sit for even 4 hours busy with writing. But within less than two months from July, I’d achieved remarkable abilities. I remember that there is a day in last August on which I started writing from 8h00 AM to 8h00 PM.



This was my first remarkable feat, and it has continued growing so exponentially that today I’m almost always reflecting upon topics to write about, even while I’m not writing anything. My English language has also been enhanced, just because of daily reading and writing. Another impressive result of daily taking action in writing is that I have expanded knowledge and skills about subjects on which I write.



As highlighted in our last article, these are small actions and achievements which will assuredly generate me huge success in the future though I can’t correctly predict the time. But, if I continue in the same spirit, the huge success represents a sure deal. Robbins says “Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year—and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!



This signifies that I don’t have to expect great accomplishments within a short period of time like a year or even three years. But I certainly expect enormous success within a long period of time like a decade. Furthermore, this thinking is inspirational.

First, it’s normal that you won’t really achieve success within a year. If it happens, that will be called an extraordinary success. Secondly, if you don’t overestimate achievements in a year, you won’t be disheartened, if you don’t achieve great things in a year.? You will instead develop patience required for you to attain the success and you will really achieve it with a longtime period like 5 years or more. At least, you should expect success within 5 years from the start of your business, so that you should leave it, if you reach the 5 years and observe no potential signs. But you should quit it, only if you have attempted all possible avenues to grow it, and that the efforts have been fruitless.



A bit back to some of the typical examples involving Robbins, and Stallone, among others, we again emphasize that it is daily action that has enabled them to reach where they are. Even the most successful people who have left us have availed themselves of the same tactic.



Tony’s words suggest it. He maintains that the most powerful way to shape our lives is to get ourselves to take massive action. Here, it’s noteworthy to note that what I’m doing in regard to writing is massive action. Massive action means gigantic action, and daily taking action stands as the synonym of massive action. According to Robbins, the difference in results which people produce proceed from what they've implemented differently from others in the same situations. “Different actions produce different results. Why? Because any action is a cause set in motion, and its effect builds on past effects to move us in a definite direction. Every direction leads to an ultimate destination: our destiny,” he says.

Tony Robbins. Getty Images picture.

He adds In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently. The key and most important question, then, is this: What precedes all of our actions? What determines what actions we take, and therefore, who we become, and what our ultimate destination is in life? What is the father of action? The answer, of course, is what I've been alluding to all along: the power of decision.” You therefore have to decide and be determined to daily act in response to your ultimate destination.



How do people eventually turning successful behave, faced with the unfavorable environment on their path to success?

On 08th July 2023 a preacher, while preaching two prayer groups, articulated intensely powerful words. These words vehemently discourage any seemingly justifiable reasons that you could provide in efforts to rationalize why you don’t have to take action. Those words defend the point that you need to take certain actions, even if you bore a million reasons pushing you not to perform anything. “While you are feeling that you intend to quit praying or doing an important thing, that’s the right time for you to assemble all your both physical and mental efforts to keep this act which you are close to stopping.



The quote suggests that while you think that you have already run out of options, there are still abundant alternatives and actions to take. This will come back to what the 1st South Africa black president, late Nelson Mandela Madiba, once said. “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up. It always seems impossible until it’s done,” declared Madiba who became one of the most famous and prominent personalities across the world, after experiencing apparently insuperable hardships including the imprisonment of 27 years for political reasons.


Theodore Roosevelt-the 26th US president and Kirstin O′Donovan- a highly South African lady also recommend you to have actions that you daily perform in accordance with your current abilities. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,” and “Getting [get] it going. It is easy to come up with a million reasons why you should put off taking ‘certain’ actions that you should be taking. How often do you say ‘The time isn’t right,’ or ‘I’m not ready’? You just have to get it going, it doesn’t have to be right or perfect, but you need to keep taking continuous steps closer towards your goal. There is always something you can do to take you closer to your goal,” they once said respectively.? Our already mentioned last article holds further details on these personalities.


Are there cases of people who refuse to employ means at their disposal how insignificant they appeared so that they eventually regret it since these seemingly trivial means could actually have played a key role in transforming their lives?


I can certainly argue that such people are there, and I even feature among them. Today I won’t narrate any areas where I could have regularly performed small actions which could have currently generated me massive success, but I have some typical cases.

Research shows that people regret things that they haven’t performed, though the research doesn’t specify whether these actions are small or not. The research has been published by the American Psychological Association [APA] but on the date that we’ve not managed to find. ?Its abstract reads “Through telephone surveys, written questionnaires, and face-to-face interviews, it was found that people's biggest regrets tend to involve things they have failed to do in their lives. These divergent findings were reconciled by demonstrating that people's regrets follow a systematic time course: actions cause more pain in the short-term, but inactions are regretted more in the long run.


Support for this contention was obtained in 2 scenario experiments that assessed people's beliefs about the short- and long-term regrets of others and in an experiment that asked Ss [participants] about their own regrets of action and inaction from 2 time periods. A total of 275 Ss participated in the experiments.


Unfortunately, we have not succeeded in getting the study, but Inc. Africa in its June 4th 2018 article cited it. The article reads “Research shows that more people regret things they didn't do than the things they did, even if things they did turned out badly. After all, with time and effort you can?fix almost any mistake--but you can't go back and do the things you dreamed of doing?but didn't...which means you can only think?about how today would be different if you had. Probing the kinds of regrets we have about the people we don't become, a natural extension of?the actions we didn't take.



It makes sense that we regret not doing the things we think we are supposed to do: working harder at our professions, working harder to be healthier...it's natural to regret not working harder?on things we ought to accomplish. In fact, when asked to name their single biggest life regret, 76 percent of participants cite?an action not taken that would have helped them realize their ideal self.”



Our ideal selves, according to Inc. Africa, consist of the traits, abilities, and accomplishments we would like to possess; basically,?our goals and hopes and dreams.


Jeff Haden who wrote the article for Inc. Africa also suggests always focusing on the daily process. He points out that the key to long-term success is?to create a process that guarantees a series of small improvements. “Usually that means that what you do won't be that different from what other successful people do. That's why one of the?chapters in my book is called "Do What the Pros Do"; I show you how to choose the right person to emulate--and even how to connect with that person. Pick someone who has achieved something you want to achieve. Deconstruct his or her process. Then follow it.


Along the way you might make small corrections as you learn what works best for you, but never start by doing what you?want?to do, or what?feels?good, or what you?think?might work. Do what is?proven?to work. Otherwise you'll give up, because the process you create won't yield those small successes that keep you motivated and feeling good about yourself. Which, if you think about it, is the perfect definition of success. And is the perfect way to avoid the regret of not becoming your ideal self.” As already highlighted, daily action constitutes the most powerful technique which has allowed all other successful people to succeed. So, this forms one of their traits that you need to comply with.



By Jean Baptiste Ndabananiye- Media, Empowerment& MBA.

Management, Empowerment, Journalism and Mass Communication Professional/Consultant with a demonstrated history/experience of involvement in women’s empowerment, project/program management, peace-building/conflict transformation, training, public awareness campaigns, governance and budget transparency, advocacy, documentation, the broadcast media industry, and community justice, among others.


He is skilled, among others, in English and French, Project& Program Management, Media Production, Peace-building, Leadership, Advocacy, and Kinyarwanda- English-French Translation, and Mind-Body Connection and its Link with Health through extensive reading and investigation about these two fields as well as Health Reporting and Communication. Strong management, media and communication professional with a Bachelor's and Master's focused in Journalism& Communication and MBA-Project Management respectively from University of Rwanda and Mount Kenya University.




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