Unprecedented Times
We are living in an unprecedented time. A time where we get to see who our real friends are, and who stand up for who they say they are. For me, the signs are clear and I am grateful for all the wonderful people I have around me.
It is also a time for changing and/or accepting a new perspective. So many people have been complaining about being "stuck at home," or "being under lockdown." I, too, have used those words.
Until last night...
...when I realized what is happening is much deeper. For those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to be at home and to not have to worry about work, I'd like to offer a perspective shift. Life has forced us into a new way of living, at least for a while.
The new reality?
We are on retreat. A retreat can last for days, weeks, months, years. It is a time of reflection, rest, and the opportunity to change the way we think, to view ourselves and the world in a different light.
Contrary to what many think, it can be highly positive, nurturing, a time for developing greater wisdom, compassion for our fellow human beings, and more.
Some people talk about 6 degrees of separation. In my view, that's an illusion. There is no such thing.
We are connected in every way. This virus has shown that to be true. There is no separation from the poor to the rich and everywhere in between. All of us have been touched by what has happened. And it is up to all of us to embrace a new way of living. Will we do that? Or fight it, trying to go back to what was?
We can surrender to what is, or resist it and create suffering for ourselves and others.
Which way will you choose?