Unplugging From the Matrix

Unplugging From the Matrix

Are we living our lives or ARE WE LIVING LIVES that WE'VE BEEN PROGRAMMED TO LIVE? For me, this past year was an amazing study into HUMANITY and how we've been operating in this 3rd dimensional construct. The matrix is a socio-economic construct that we're indoctrinated into. NO ONE QUESTIONS IT. It's a repetitive cycle of getting up in the morning, going to work, making the "doughnuts", going home, going to bed and getting up and doing it all over again. Maybe somewhere in there, we have a few memorable experiences such as parties, vacations, weddings, births, etc... and all the while, all we're doing is "slaving away" to save our pennies so that we can send our kids to school and so that we can retire off this MOUSEWHEEL OF LIFE eventually and actually enjoy our lives. 

THIS IS THE MATRIX CONTROL SYSTEM. And unless we're fully plugged in, we feel like we are not a "productive, functioning human." And unless we're at the top of this game, we do not feel we're successful. Day in and day out, we run in circles and wait for the media, gov't or Hollywood to tell us how to think. They become our heros -- THE STARLINGS OF MATERIALISM and KNOWLEDGE. We look up to them and we forget what really matters... WHO WE ARE AS A SOUL and the AFFECT WE LEAVE ON OTHERS. How virtuous we view ourselves and how we judge others becomes our social complex. 

Humanity is interesting. We are evolving in our consciousness capacity, but our hearts still need to evolve as well. When you are fully plugged into the MATERIAL MATRIX, you are programmed to think certain ways, and again, no one questions it. But when you're brave enough to step outside that matrix, your heart opens and you realize who you really are and you realize the magic you truly hold as part of HUMANITY. All judgments fall aside and what is left is the purity of your intention -- absolute LOVE for all beings. #belove #bebrave

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

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Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here.


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