Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 6th...
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA Productions.us
Today May 6, 2021 on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
David Baldacci is back! His new book deals with a vet that's working his way back to American streets in the 1950's. A Gambling Man. Darkness, action, emotion and everything else that Baldacci is brilliant at. 11am post
I asked Christo Kidwell what the name of his band is all about, "Why Texas Taliban?" His reply, "Cuz it pisses people off." Awesome!!! 1pm post
The television show Delilah is filmed right here in Charlotte. LaMonica Garrett and I break out our local experiences while jumping into the stuff that outsiders can relate with. 4pm post
Then we're playing it forward with Dr. Stephanie ZaZa. Her book is Beyond The Pandemic. 7pm post