Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 29th...
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.5 million strong. Mobile DJ LA Productions.us
Today January 29th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut...
Francis Mayes fell so deeply in love with Italy she picked up her American life and style and planted her roots in the country shaped like a boot. It didn't stop there. Her knew book Always Italy is a ticket to ride during a pandemic. She puts you on the steps of so much unexplored. 11am post
Ryan Jay is on the move. It's time to review the newest films hitting our favorite places to catch pictures in action. Up first is The Little Things now in theaters and on HBO Max. Ryan's loving it. Comparing it to the movie 7. Hitting Apple+ this week is Justin Timberlake in Palmer. Ryan is calling this flick his favorite of 2021. Well what about Supernova? Now in theaters. Lets quickly move to The Dig on Netflix. A great display of exploration and more. 1pm post
If you think 24 degrees was in cold in the Carolinas this morning. Wait until you meet Nic Cunningham from Ice Airport Alaska on Smithsonian. Keeping the 5th largest cargo airport moving during huge storms and a pandemic. That's reality TV. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with Todd Whitener. BLISSKRIEG is the culmination of many stars aligning. Each with their stories to tell, Todd Whitener, Donald Carpenter, Matt Taul and Jesse Vest have the musical pedigree of several successful rock bands in their DNA including Tantric, Days of the New, Submersed and Eye Empire. 7pm post