Unplugged and Totally Uncut February 8th
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA Productions.us
Today!!! Tuesday February 8th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!
Daniel Shumski loves to invite people into a new world of food exploration. The author of How To Instapot and Will It Waffle has now stepped into an area once thought to be for the exclusive. How to Sous Vide. 11am post
We've heard the heart breaking stories and unbelievable amounts of stress that come with being a 911 operator. Essence Sullins and Nancy Woodruff live it everyday. Now you can see it on Oxygen's 911 Crisis Center. 1pm post
The music that took 25 years to write. Bad ass Rock drummer Phil Varone returns to the forefront with his new band Panic Boom. 4pm post
Then we're Playing It Forward with actress Gina Gershon. The best part of being in Woody Allen's new film Rifkin's Festival was getting the opportunity to speak Swedish. 7pm post