From Thoughts of an Ignorant Man by Brian Asimor


Many seek the solution to todays problems. I believe that solution is staring us in the face if we took the time to see it. Industries spring up as a result of the need to combat viruses, ransomware, hacking, identity theft, texting while driving, welfare fraud, food stamp fraud, government waste of taxpayers money, robot phone calls, vote fraud and more. I believe the solution is discipline. Discipline to pull the plug and get back to the basics of personal responsibility starting with ones self.

The tail is wagging the dog! The tail is do called connectivity. The word sounds great and progressive. “Progressive”, that’s another word that sounds wonderful. These are sound bits from the world of political correctness. Words that offer a tangent turn to nowhere. To achieve any success in anything, one must have a goal. A team will never win without a strategy and the dedication to execute the required tactics to achieve victory.

Unplug from any trend or technology that has submitted you to submitting to it. Be in charge of yourself as God is in charge of all things. Your life is yours to rule and navigate. You and you alone will be held accountable when you leave this world.

Life is short, it can be interesting, rewarding and wonderful for you and all who you know and love if each of us apply responsibility. Pull the plug from those who seek your information, time and concentration. Look up from your electric devices and see where you are actually heading in your remaining time you have on this planet. Yes, it is time for real climate change! Change in awareness of the reality of life’s responsibilities.

All the best to you all in your efforts and desire to learn, laugh and love all there is in life beyond electronic devices and social media. Unplug that tail which is wagging the dog!


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