Unplug 21!
As dawn breaks the night into a tinch of orange, blue & sliver lines,
As happiness overtakes the sorrow spreading glee and joy.
Life in light banishes the death that you live each day,
Until you rise to an awaken Life.
The life that thrives to sweeps away all the miseries and griefs,
The life that rejoices the beauty of incandescent from the ashes.
'A Purposeful Life".
Are you perplexed and in search of your purpose, A meaningful life?
Many time you have to make meaning out of things, giving them beauty directing to the purpose. Same is with life, your life. Life is not about just surviving, but thriving in all meaningful ways to fetch out, it’s purpose.
You may think,- "I have lived up well and am well satisfied and aged, what more i can make out of my life, Let me tell you, this is the time. You just have to work on your mindset. Purposeful living is proposed out of the experience of a worthless living first, which may not be about the worldly pleasures, however, the emotional vulnerability, the realisation to which leads you to light.
Caring for others irrespective of your own vulnerabilities or success stories is #Divinity. Hoping for no returns, no expectancy. This is the #purpose that proposes life and heals you and your surroundings.
Achievement of a meaningful life where #selfless living proposes joy, and one is unaffected by the emotional or physical setbacks or achievements, however, follows #righteousness & shares the light is a meaningful life. We all wish to be Happy however, happiness is not based on any worldly thing or person, it’s in eternity, and happiness is the peace that fuels purpose. Purpose to be useful, selfless, giving for the greater good and caring. Only a satisfied soul is a selfless soul, living in eternity & rejoicing.
Anyway, life is not a straight simple track upward. Life happens to us every day, which impacts our being and relations. Things and people that do impact our reasons, behaviour and response which are never constant. Neither are the reasons, action, emotions and reaction of the people who matter to us, their reaction towards us and life, does effect affect our vibes.
But, winners are those who expiating negativity, keeps moving ahead focusing on the goal to achieve. Caring for somebody what one does, caring for nobody is what needs effort, and happens with an equanimity of mind & a perseverent heart.
Living for the greater good, Good for society, living beyond self & solely for others happens when one is holding peace at the heart and a selfless mind. The state of incandescent, from one, proposes light, that not just light your path but light the path for others too.
To find this new you, you have to dive down deep into the darkness within your heart to overcome it. It's when you hit the Rock Bottom, and it turns out to be your foundation. Remember, the unwavering faith sprouts of being resolute & fearing not by hitting of waves.
Think back where were you years ago, say 10 years before? Now think where you will be in the coming years. Sure you are more capable and able to weave and accomplish your dreams.
The problems that you face, are must phase, the setback only turns into stepping stones. Look not just see; Pearl from the sea, Diamonds dug out of mine, Stars shining bright at night. Flowers booming selfless vibes, Butterfly spreading faith, hope & joy, wellspring alleviating lives. All sprout out of time, their age.
A broken heart proposing Heal, A child from the mother's embryo to a human being. Just unplug the child in you, who is not any more ignorant & is grown up in the Grace of Divine Mercy.
Believe yourself, start again work on life, and this time not just to survive but to thrive. Affirm Faith in Divine, the portion of Him that resides in you, you are his creation and It's his wish to see you conquering the world, which you have to begin with conquering over yourself first. Affirm each day, "I Love and approved of my self".!
Never Give up on your dream. Nor ever let anyone tell you you cannot make it, it's not your age. If you wish to give up ever on anything, it has to be only and only the negative thoughts towards the world, and yourself.
The dark days are advantages, you suffered them so, that you may know now, how to cope up unfavourable situations, and this is the inception how deep you can dive to bounce.
What you have to do is, to just stretch a little out of your comfort zone.
There are always two perspectives to look at the things, and remember the choice is always is yours. Trust me its only PERCEPTION, that has eloped under inception and you just have to master that from a scratch with all the wisdom life has offered you in the past decade and yes they are the cutting edge potent enough to shoot you ahead of ages.
Your life is yours to live, and it’s only you who have to bear your cross all in the endurance of difficulties. Your family, friends, relations or connections are the spectators with emotions or none, but you have to lead and live your daily life.
Life is an experience, you lived quite well of it, now what more it can offer? What more wrong may go? So, it is a fair good chance, you have nothing to lose. Why not then live it as you what to make out of it. From the place of content, with no worries in heart, challenge yourself. Now life is a routine, you have adjusted to it. Now its time to trigger your dreams, to accomplish them into reality.
Being lived of the 1st truth subconsciously or either, we live life; our life for others, and this is the 2nd truth. This truth leads us to mind traps to satisfy self which becomes difficult many a time. Leading to push us towards an unsatisfied living soaked in frustrations, as we compromise our happiness comforting others, with an anxious mind of the world being judgmental. Worrying about what others think or feel is the single biggest reason why many people do not take the right decisions.
Ignorance of truth keeps us away from a joyous living. It's challenging to train the mind to be like accepting the self deficiency to condition it, difficult though, but not impossible.
Love and light are more powerful than darkness or negativity, so keep tuning in to the light & love of divinity that never goes off, nurtures the strength of spirit. Remember, you are Build of the lessons learnt of Time, Not OverNight, so take it slowly but steadily, a thing at a time. Always remember starting something is always swift, subsequently taking it forwards is tough.
Key is keeping a grip & not giving up on focus. Falling may be sequence but persistent Spirit wins. As a line is made by joining dots so is life, you're not going to master rest of your life in a day. Master the day and then just keep doing each day, what you will get in the end is a MasterPiece, your life that is Yes!
You don't get lost in the fire, for you are built from it. Unplug your passion of the '20s with all that expertise you have now over life tantrums & distractions to pin them down, double-loaded with confidence and triple soaked in humility.
The mind is powerful, powerful enough if you ken, and then it in your discrete control to be programmed to bounce in a happy mood despite all struggle. The One Life, risen from the light, life that thrives to sweeps away all the miseries and griefs, the life that rejoices the beauty of incandescent from the ashes, a meaningful life, start living again, unplug 21 is my humble advice.