Unpark Your Life: How to Put Self-Care into Gear and Drive Toward Your Best Self

Unpark Your Life: How to Put Self-Care into Gear and Drive Toward Your Best Self

GPS For Life: Finding Your Path in the Chaos of Motherhood and Career

So, there's a saying: "You can't move a parked car." And as much as I'd like to say I came up with that gem, I can't take credit. But it's almost poetic in how accurately it describes the lives of many high-achieving, career-focused moms I know. You see, many women have their foot firmly on the gas pedal of life, revving the engine, only to realize they've forgotten to put the car in gear. Hell, sometimes the gear is set in reverse, sending them spiraling away from their goals.

When Life Feels Like a Parking Lot

Do you know where you are right now? No, not your physical location; we've got Google Maps for that. I'm talking about the figurative, nitty-gritty "where" in your journey towards your goals. Often, we’re so engrossed in our routines that we don't bother to take stock of our current situation. It's basically like speeding down a highway with billboards flashing, "Volunteer at school!" "Board meeting at 5 PM!" "Cook a healthy dinner!" You end up in a perpetual state of rush hour, dodging all these demands while trying to follow your internal GPS.

Define Your Destination or End up in Albuquerque

There's an addictive chaos to busyness, a false sense of purpose. And while you're conquering that Everest of to-dos, where is your life actually headed? What’s your destination? Most folks jump and say, "I want to lose weight," or "I want to get a promotion." But those are just mile markers. What you need is the full address, complete with ZIP code and Google Street View. You should be able to feel, touch, and taste your destination.

It's not just about shedding 20 pounds; it's about what those 20 pounds are keeping you from doing or feeling.

Your Car Has More Than One Gear

Once you get real about your starting point and your destination, you have to pick the right path and stick to it like gum on a hot sidewalk. But life isn’t a straight road; it’s a labyrinth of U-turns, speed bumps, and the occasional fender bender. And sometimes it even feels like you're off-roading, gripping the steering wheel for dear life. It's easy to feel that you’ve got no control over this erratic ride, especially if you’ve been putting your car in reverse. But let me tell you, you're in charge. You decide whether to make that right at the intersection labeled Kids' Urgent Needs or to stay on the freeway toward Personal Goals.

Unclutter the Junk in the Trunk

It's time to cut the clutter—the pointless meetings, those energy-draining "friends," and the incessant need to please everyone. It’s about setting boundaries. Look, you don't need to become a hermit, but you need to be selective about what you add to your plate. When you take that unavoidable detour because your kid is down with a cold or work demands extra hours, don’t lose sight of your route. Re-calibrate and re-engage.

The Ultimate Route to Your Life Goals

Ever notice how the GPS reroutes when you take a wrong turn? It doesn't sigh, roll its eyes, and suggest you stop for coffee and reevaluate your life. It calculates the next quickest route to your destination. That's how resilient you've got to be.

Here's what I recommend, know your current 'where' and your ultimate 'where.' Then get specific about the actions that will get you from Point A to B. Maybe it’s blocking off 'you-time' in your calendar. Or perhaps it’s setting a hard boundary about how many school events you'll commit to each month. The point is, life isn’t about mindlessly adding tasks and responsibilities like you’re hoarding for the apocalypse. It’s about strategic addition and subtraction.

Get your car out of park, shift into the right gear, and steer yourself to a life where you're not just busy, but fulfilled. And if you find yourself lost, remember, rerouting is just a decision away and you're in charge.


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