Unnamed Syndrome
It baffles me and often baffles me actually been so nonplussed and at-times wonder! What youth (Boys and Girls) of my time engage themselves in daily; though a Hausa adage was right that says “amazing things never ends as long as you’re alive” I wonder the cause of this because they do not find anything wrong in it and that is why I conclude that they are suffering from unnamed syndrome.
Come-on let us look at its cause, it’s target ones, its symptoms and signs, it’s negative impact and it’s control measures.
Let me pose such questions;
What cause this syndrome?
This question may engulf the mind of the reader, so let me propitiate your pondering, the answer to this question is, just a so-called civilization and being a no-good bum, give me a little room for excessive beat, Lumumba was right as he once said; “Africans are guinea-pigs” because we’re truly good for nothing and any nonsense those whitey-whitey brought we’ll hold and cherish. Why our only foresight is to mimic those human beings in anyway.
What are the symptoms of the syndrome?
This syndrome seems acute and within a very short time becomes pervasive and pandemic, that’s found almost everywhere at homes (during home things), at place of worship (during worship gathering), at school (even when lecture is on progress), at market (when haggles), at hospital (during visiting patient), at street (during walking) etc., and even in the cemetery (during burial) that’s the tragedy of it, my worry is that;
The very symptoms and signs of the syndrome are amazing and ludicrous, here are the vivid ones; self-lean-on-air with different style, frowning face, nod-glimpse, self-wobble, self-gape, self-preen and the worst one is chronic shameless.
What are the target populations of the syndrome?
Findings show that both gender are suffering from this syndrome, but the group that’s highly vulnerable to this particular syndrome are adult whose age range between 15-30 and above years, also people whose age are 40years and above are getting affected by the syndrome, but I conclude that those group of people whose age 40years and above are muddle headed, they lack dignity, have child mind and are cultureless.
Some negative impacts of such syndrome;
It deviate them to render aid in needed time (instead to give emergency aid to casualties of fire incidence or road mishap they would be busy…)
It also deviate them from the current task (that’s instead to pay rapt attention to the on-going lecture or practical, no they would be busy…)
It’s chattels muster sexual desires
It makes them mutable gawk
It brings waste of time (a great Islamic scholar Al-Qadarawee said; wasting of time is far more disastrous than death also Caliph Umar bn Abdulaziz said; the night and the day work against you, work against them as well. I urge you to respect time.
What are the control measures of such syndrome?
Simple such syndrome to controlling it no need of applying any antidote substances, its therapy is to change the behavioral DNA of the victims.
I’m sorry readers let me stop skid-skirting round the subject taught and name the unnamed syndrome as “Selfie-Syndrome” or in short called it (S.S)
Thank you may God bless you.