Unmasking a Silent Threat: How LiveSmart Health Assessments Can Reveal Hidden Haemochromatosis

Unmasking a Silent Threat: How LiveSmart Health Assessments Can Reveal Hidden Haemochromatosis


This week is Haemochromatosis Awareness Week, so we wanted to highlight the connection between a LiveSmart health assessment and this common but relatively unheard-of genetic condition.

What is Haemochromatosis?

Haemochromatosis is a serious medical condition which causes the body to absorb too much iron from the diet. This excess iron gets deposited in the organs - particularly the liver, but at higher levels it can enter the joints, heart, pancreas, and other organs causing permanent damage.

Most cases of haemochromatosis are caused by a genetic condition which runs in families. It affects roughly 1 in 150 people in England, but in Northern Ireland the prevalence is much higher and is around 1 in 10. This is because the disorder is linked to the so-called Celtic gene commonly carried by people of Irish descent.

It takes a long time for the iron to build up to harmful levels, so symptoms are usually first seen between the ages of 30 and 60. It can take longer for symptoms to be seen in women, as they are losing iron each month through the menstrual cycle.

Diagnosing Haemochromatosis

Some people may notice symptoms like tiredness, joint pain, sexual dysfunction or darkening of the skin, but for many people it is detected through a simple routine blood test.?The blood test is often a test of ferritin, the body’s levels of stored iron.

How LiveSmart from Inuvi can help detect Haemochromatosis

A LiveSmart health assessment can help provide individuals with screening for Haemochromatosis.

Almost all LiveSmart health assessments include a ferritin test, meaning that in addition to more commonly thought of conditions like high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, a LiveSmart health assessment can also provide individuals with screening for Haemochromatosis.

Our data shows 4% of individuals have high ferritin. Whilst not all these individuals would have had undiagnosed Haemochromatosis (as there are many different causes for high ferritin levels), we do know of some individuals for whom this was the case.?

A longtime LiveSmart customer discovered through his LiveSmart health assessment that he had this hidden condition. When asked about his diagnosis, he said:

?If it weren’t for my LiveSmart health assessment that time, I wouldn't have had any idea that I had an iron overload and without routine blood testing I could have continued on for years with an iron build up and done terrible damage to my vital organs and increased my risk for endocrine, cardiac and liver diseases.
By discovering my genetic condition in 2021, I’ve made some simple alterations to my diet and have been making regular blood donations – 10 in the last 3 years, which has the other amazing benefit of saving many lives of those who urgently need donor blood.

So, a powerful reason to consider routine screening for your population, and a friendly reminder to donate blood if you can.

About LiveSmart Health Assessments

LiveSmart from Inuvi combines smart technology, expert blood testing, and a human touch to provide insight, direction, and support to fuel healthier lives.?

From understanding the risk of heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes, to providing a full assessment including an extensive range of blood tests, LiveSmart has a health assessment to help.?

With 50% to 70% engagement rates and two-thirds of employees improving their health in the first year, LiveSmart is proven to improve employee health.

To find out how Inuvi can support your business with affordable, accessible, and effective whole-of-workforce health assessments:?

Email: [email protected]

Go To: www.getlivesmart.com



