Unmasking the “Empath” as a Covert Narcissist

Unmasking the “Empath” as a Covert Narcissist


Within the intriguing world of psychology, two figures frequently contrasted are the narcissist and the “empath”. Narcissists are characterised by an inflated sense of self-importance, an intense need for admiration, and a lack of true empathy for others. “Empaths”, on the other hand, are usually perceived as individuals supposedly deeply attuned to the emotional states of others, and feeling their emotions as if they were their own. However, the line between these two profiles can be blurry, leading to the emergence of a hidden side: the empath as a covert narcissist.

Understanding “Empaths” and Narcissists

To appreciate the nuanced interplay between “empaths” and narcissists, it's essential to understand their characteristics. Typically, “empaths” are lauded for their supposedly extraordinary ability to perceive and assimilate the emotional states and energies of their surroundings, frequently leading to personal discomfort or distress. According to many internet sites “empaths” are, by nature, highly sensitive, compassionate, and understanding, often placing the needs of others before their own.?

But let’s be clear: “empath” is not an official label and you certainly won’t find it in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). The term “Empath” originates in science-fiction literature.? The term is first cited in Scottish author J.T. McIntosh's 1956 “The Empath,” a story about paranormally empathetic beings, called empaths, that the government exploits to oppress workers.

World-renowned Psychology Professor Sam Vaknin completely denies the existence of the empath.

“Empaths, super empath, and now supernova empath. These are self-aggrandizing labels used by covert narcissists online as they perpetuate and leverage the newfound, eternal professional victim status.”

He goes on to say that there's no such thing as an empath because narcissists do not select for empathy. “They don't understand empathy. They resent empathy. They are disgusted by empathy. They reject empathy as a challenge to their grandiosity. And they consider empathy to be fake. So if they don't select for empathy, not all the victims of narcissists would have been empaths,” explains Vaknin.

Narcissists are characterised by an inflated self-perception, a profound sense of entitlement, and a continuous quest for admiration and validation. Their mindset is largely self-centric, caring little for the feelings or needs of others unless it directly contributes to their sense of worth. These polar-opposite dispositions often set the stage for an intriguing dynamic.

The Narcissist-Empath Dynamic

In examining the dynamic between narcissists and “empaths”, it is common to see the “empath” portrayed as the constant target, the perpetual victim of the narcissist's exploitative ways. This is largely because narcissists are reportedly magnetically drawn towards “empaths”. Their "pull" seemingly originates from the “empath's” innate sensitivity and their willingness to give unreservedly, which supposedly provides narcissists with a ceaseless source of affirmation and attention. However, while this may be the archetypal online narrative in the relationship between these two types, it's crucial to remember that there is often more depth and complexity to this dynamic than initially meets the eye.

The Covert Narcissist Disguised as an Empath

Diving deeper into the complex dynamics between empaths and narcissists, it's important to recognise a less explored and somewhat disconcerting scenario.

Whilst these professed “empaths” might portray themselves as compassionate, understanding and emotionally in tune, beneath this facade, they exhibit strikingly narcissistic traits. The ability to supposedly care and feel deeply for others, which is usually the “empath's” hallmark, can morph into a mask hiding self-absorption and manipulation. It's a paradoxical scenario, one that contradicts the traditional empath-narcissist dynamic and challenges our understanding of these psychological profiles. However, being aware of this possibility enables us to better understand, identify, and address such covert narcissistic tendencies.

The Victim Mentality: An Indicator of Covert Narcissism

It's worth examining the idea of a perpetual victim mentality, as it can often serve as a telling sign of covert narcissism. However, when the portrayal of oneself as a perennial victim becomes a recurrent theme, it's time to take notice.

This continual emphasis on being the victim can be more than a mere outcry for understanding. It can be a strategic manoeuvre employed by the covert narcissist, cleverly disguised as an “empath”, to draw attention, elicit sympathy or secure validation from others. It's a calculated tactic that exploits the compassion and understanding of those around them.

Thus, it's important to be vigilant about such consistent portrayals of victimhood. Those harbouring covert narcissistic tendencies may well utilise their perceived victim status as a means to control and gain undue advantage. Therefore, recognising this pattern is vital in unmasking covert narcissism hiding behind an “empath” persona.

The Role of Emotional Manipulation

The deployment of emotional manipulation is a telling indicator of covert narcissists masquerading as “empaths”. A Covert Narcissist uses their apparent emotional insight as a ploy to subtly control and manipulate their environment to suit their ends. The distinction lies not in the ability to understand emotions but in the use of this understanding as a mechanism for control, rather than a means to forge genuine connections. This technique allows the covert narcissist to influence others, ensuring a constant supply of attention and validation. The emotional manipulation employed by the covert narcissist often remains unnoticed due to its subtle nature, making it an effective, yet insidious tool. It is, therefore, imperative to be aware of such tactics and to question the intention behind the emotional responses elicited by individuals who identify as empaths.

Empathy or Narcissism: Identifying the Difference

Discerning between an authentic empathic person and a covert narcissist comes down to the simple, yet complex concept of intention. The fundamental difference lies in how they interact with and utilise their understanding of emotions. A genuine empathic person, motivated by compassion and understanding, often experiences the emotions of others as if they were their own. This heightened emotional sensitivity can sometimes lead to personal distress, but it stems from a sincere desire to comprehend and alleviate the pain of others. Conversely, a covert narcissist employs their emotional awareness not to foster genuine connections, but to orchestrate control and manipulation. This tactical approach is fuelled by a need for personal validation, where the emotions of others become mere stepping stones to their self-centred objectives. Distinguishing between these two can be a challenging feat, but it's the pivotal factor in differentiating true empathy from concealed narcissism.

Vaknin further explains the “cognitive empathy” employed by Narcissists as follows: “The cognitive element of empathy is there, but not its emotional correlate. It is consequently a barren, detached and cerebral kind of intrusive gaze devoid of compassion and a feeling of affinity with one's fellow humans.”?

Ever wondered why a Narcissist’s so-called love & compassion can disappear overnight? Vaknin once again explains it perfectly: “This kind of display, sometimes ostentatious on empathy, usually vanishes. The minute the subject ceases to play a role in the Narcissist's life and his psychodynamic processes, the minute the source of supply, for instance, ceases to provide the Narcissist or narcissistic supply, all vestiges of empathy vanish.”

Is empathy an important component in human interaction? In other words, can we get by without it?

“The existence of empathy in a person is a sign of self-awareness, a healthy identity, a well-regulated sense of self-worth and self-love in the positive sense. Its absence denotes emotional and cognitive deficits or immaturity, an inability to love, to truly relate to others, to respect other people's boundaries, to accept their needs, feelings, hopes, fears, choices and preferences as autonomous entities,” explains Vaknin.

Breaking the Illusion

Piercing through the facade and unveiling the covert narcissist hiding within an “empath” is no easy feat. It necessitates a keen understanding of the nuanced differences in behavioural patterns and motivations. For those who consider themselves “empaths”, it becomes of paramount importance to regularly engage in self-examination. This reflection should be focused on ensuring that their emotional resonance and understanding do not become convenient veils for narcissistic inclinations. It is through this self-awareness and introspection that one can prevent their empathic capacities from being misused or misinterpreted as manipulative strategies. Instead, it should always be channelled towards fostering empathy, offering comfort, and promoting authentic emotional connections. Shattering this illusion, therefore, involves shedding light on our true intentions and making conscious efforts to prevent the transformation of empathy into a tool for manipulation or personal gain.

If the subject of Narcissism interests you, read my other article on Narcissistic abuse in the workplace:


Ralph Montague

I Help High Performing Individuals, Live Longer, Remove Stress, Improve Sleep & Optimise Health & Profits, Using Advanced Longevity Machines & Corporate Sleep & Stress Workshops. Best Selling Sleep Author & Speaker.

4 个月

Very, very, very interesting! I searched on google for this as I have had two extremely close people in my life claim they are "empaths" who for many years have absolutely blind sided me! It was only after the second said they were also an "empath" while also showing all the same behavioural traits that my ears perked up and thought, lets not get fooled twice... I am very, very lucky to have discovered this break through in understanding people at a young age of 43, as some people sadly go their whole lives being destroyed by this behaviour and not having a clue what the hell is going on and then die!

Richard Schippers

Freelance copywriter, journalist & editor in B2B content marketing. Storyteller for the engineers and pioneers of sustainability.

6 个月

It may be 'slightly disconcerting' to read about this for the first time, but it hits hard when you've been there. Depending on your relationship with the self-proclaimed empath and healer, it can be devastating once you realize the full extent of this dynamic. It amounts to carefully disguised emotional abuse through brainwashing, comparable to what happens in cults. We believe what we want to believe. You keep focusing on the good intentions and start ignoring the pernicious effects.


