The water I drank was not black,
Not all stories that were being told about me were real facts,
The beauty that is ought of me, I never lack,
If we assume wisdom to be knowledge, we might never get understanding,
I have licked the tears of my struggle yet they undermine me,
They said I am black because they never knew my origin,
I walked in bold letters to gain my stand that I am not a stagnant noun,
I ran in capital face and strength to show that I am a genuine verb,
It was a total invasion on my integrity, there was no freedom to move,
It was only the pass of my master that was acknowledged,
like a nursing infant that is sucking the breast of her mother,
Cold was felt under the sun, voluntary perspiration in the harmattan,
I am not the son of the soil but of the most high God.
I was trapped in the closet of my of unknown potentials,
Flushed with the bubbles of my indifference,
My unique mindset busted it, Lo! And behold, I could call a place a home.
I am an uncracked beauty in the village square sharing happiness without stress,
Moving from her east to her west, hugging every torment to its fullest,
I am back to the landscape in which I am confident when I speak,
A place where divine providence function to its peak,
An empire where significance blinks from the clapping of my hands to the tapping of the feet,
Enriched with diamond, gold and honey, a transforming ricochet of indispensable integrity,
I have swum in the ocean of hopefulness because I have acknowledged every state of cheerfulness,
Africa my home, a closure that can be attributed to the scope of the Rome,
Even the incredulity of the so-called survivals cannot be a clone,
You have accommodated a different generation that once caused you pain,
The story of the black slave trade hath become a game for change to display,
Your sky is spotless, your stars are the brightest,
You are not a remnant of honour hence you are priceless,
I call you greatness because the light can only be UNMASKED in darkness.