The Unmasked
At a recent public meeting on the other side of the country people showed up at a council meeting to declare their opposition to wearing masks. One person stated, "We are against not masks but mandatory masks. We believe that it is our body, our choice."
The passion and anger that these folks are displaying is remarkable.
Imagine what would happen in this country if people behaved like that towards other problems in our nation.
Would we have drugs on our streets and schools?
Would we be able to get reasonably priced healthcare?
Would the nation that demands trained workers provide reasonably priced education?
Would companies based in the United States then so freely send American jobs oversees?
Would our markets be filled with cheap foreign good while our children’s bellies are empty?
Would poverty hover at 15% percent in every corner of the nation?
Would upward mobility come back?
Would we get effective government?
Yes. We would and more.
John Stuart Mill said, ‘Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.’
It seems it’s all about what people don’t want these days, not what they need.
It is an indictment to the American people that they should be led and driven on by such foul creatures who sacrifice the children and elderly in their confused pursuit of power and wealth.
These days Americans are mistrusting their family members, neighbors and friends and are lending their allegiance to undeserving public officials they will never meet but believe are acting in their best behalf. Officials who are as separate from this nation as a whole and cut off from individual Americans so completely that they not only will not, they cannot, do what needs to be done.
As a result concrete actions that need to be taken to ensure things are done in their best behalf are never carried out. Some public officials wear masks, others do not. Some states close the bars, others do not, some state give precedence to strip clubs while shutting down gymnasiums.
It is becoming a situation where every person needs to look out for themself. In these trying times I counsel you to look to your home and your family and your loved ones.
The total deaths from the Coronavirus stands at more than 127,000. As if that wasn’t horrible enough the actual number is likely much greater. This is because of the confusion, inexperience, arrogance and inability of those who are supposed to be keeping track of that growing number.
The people who are against wearing masks could have decided to turn their ire on a medical system that shut down when we needed it and then perhaps they might exact some justice and logic from it.
As it turns out the ugly underbelly of our society has been expose. Most surgical procedures were termed ‘voluntary’. That simple idea that someone made a decision to get treated for an ailment like cancer actually spurred all the insurance claims, medical bills and fat profits that medical organizations raked in.
The lack of proper nutrition in some parts of the country has now been shown to be a matter of systematic decisions made by a small handful of people. The food distribution system is set to a very fine point in the United States. Apparently the entire system is set on a two week cadence. It failed when people went to the stores to get prepared for lengthy times at home. Instead of responding to fulfill the needs the larger markets and food producers turned to the President of the United States told him to tell us that we needed to only buy one or two weeks worth of groceries and then he did it! Their profits were saved but hunger has spread across the nation as prices slip up.
Violence in the streets is now being egged on by uncompromising bureaucrats and politicians desperate to hold onto power and by crude gangs scrambling under many banners and focusing their attention on looting, burning and rioting. There are so many causes floating around right now it’s not clear who wants what.
We know what a lot of people don’t want though. They don’t want to be told to wear a mask even if it kills them.
What are these people doing about things that really matter?