Unlocking Your Executive Presence: The Path to Influence, Trust, and Success in the Corporate World

Unlocking Your Executive Presence: The Path to Influence, Trust, and Success in the Corporate World

I’ve had an unusually high number of clients ask me how they can improve their executive presence - how to be seen as “consultants”, how to improve their influence, how to have their “voice heard” and how to feel trusted and consulted before decisions are made.

Most of them would like to solve this fast, as they are quite frustrated and emotional about it. Solving it fast is impossible. Why? Learning how to become someone with executive presence is a process, hence it takes time and effort and requires a change of mindset and getting out of the comfort zone.

Here is what I saw that needs to be done in this process ?

  1. Define your personal executive presence. - focus on your strengths, not just on improving on weaknesses You do not have to solve all the areas that are not at the level you want. You can achieve executive presence by doubling down on areas where you tend to shine while eliminating behaviors that are holding you back.
  2. Observe people who have a strong executive presence. Who in your organization do you look up to? - their body language, tone of voice, and other nonverbal cues what are their voice inflections, do they sit back with arms folded, do they seem motivated- notice their positive attributes.
  3. Build a strategic network.? One of my clients told me “ I do not feel part of this team after 8 years”. Find the people in your organization who have influence and charisma and start to build relationships with these individuals. There are a lot of things to be learned in your context if you wish to.
  4. Be open to feedback. Lots of people ask for feedback, and when this feedback isn’t what they want to hear, they ignore it. Promise yourself you won’t be one of those people. Review the feedback and choose one or two items to focus on that will help you improve your executive presence.
  5. Invest in a coach. The best investment you can make is the one in yourself. Your executive presence determines whether you gain access to opportunities. A coach can hold up the mirror and safely guide you toward a more favorable outcome.?
  6. Work on your influencing skills. The people with the most executive presence have mastered the art of meaningful influence. They can effectively communicate their vision and quickly get people behind it.?


Next Steps

It’s not enough to want more executive presence. You must commit to focusing on the necessary skills. It requires some pain, a lot of focus, and dedication. Trust me I have seen it happen, it won’t be long until people look at you and ask, “ What must I do to come across as professional as you?”

Got a question about how to apply these practices to your organization? Feel free to schedule a call with me.


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