Unlocking the Secrets to Mastery: Learn How to Embrace Reality, Seek Apprenticeship, and Practice Deliberately to Achieve your Goals.
Thought I would share what I’ve learned so far from my current read: 'Mastery' by Robert Greene.
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." - Thomas Edison
One of the chapters really stood out to me, as it resonates with my current learning & upskilling situation. Learning new skills is always hard, especially when you seek knowledge outside the traditional education system. I now am a firm believer that you could learn and master any skill online - all it takes is persistence, organisation, and determination.
I've broken down the chapter into 3 parts:
Feel free to comment your thoughts, ideas, and questions!
Chapter: Submit to Reality
1. Embrace reality:
As Steve Jobs once said, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." And in order to innovate, you must first understand the current reality of the field or skill you wish to master. This is the first step to achieving mastery, as Robert Greene explains in his Chapter, "Submit to Reality."
The internet and new technologies have opened up a world of possibilities for understanding the current state of any field or skill you wish to master. A quick online search will reveal the latest trends, best practices, and industry standards. You can also find forums and communities where professionals in the field share their experiences and insights.
But don't just settle for the basics, take advantage of the latest technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to make your learning experience more interactive and immersive. Imagine using virtual reality to experience a surgical operation or augmented reality to learn a new instrument, the possibilities are endless.
Here are some next steps you can take to master a field using the internet and new technologies:
"If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it." - Elon Musk
EWith the internet and new technologies, the odds of mastering a field have never been better. So, don't be afraid to take on the challenge and invent the future.
2. Seek apprenticeship:?
"The best way to achieve mastery is through apprenticeship" - Robert Greene
Seeking out a mentor or expert in the field or skill you wish to learn and learning from them through observation, practice, and guidance is an essential step in mastering any field.
Formal education is one way to find a mentor or expert, but it can also be done informally. You can find mentors and experts in the field by reaching out to professionals in the industry, attending networking events, or joining online communities and forums.
Once you have found a mentor or expert, you should take the time to understand their approach and methodologies, ask for guidance and feedback, and be open to constructive criticism. As the famous inventor and innovator Benjamin Franklin said, "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."
It is also important to remember that apprenticeship is not a one-time event, it's a ongoing process. Seek out multiple mentors and experts in your field, learn from their diverse experiences and perspectives.
Here are some next steps you can take to implement apprenticeship in learning:
Albert Einstein said, "It is not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." Apprenticeship allows you to stay with the problem longer, learn from the best and achieve mastery faster.
3. Practice deliberate and focused:?
The final step in achieving mastery, as Robert Greene points out, is to practice deliberately and focus on the specific areas where improvement is needed. This means breaking down the skill or knowledge you wish to learn into small manageable parts and focusing on mastering each part before moving on to the next. It also means actively seeking feedback and adjusting your practice accordingly.
Practicing deliberately and focusing on specific areas for improvement requires a high level of self-awareness and discipline. As the famous inventor and businessman, Henry Ford said, "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.". This approach allows you to learn from your mistakes and continuously improve.
To implement this in learning, you can break down the skill or knowledge you wish to learn into small manageable parts, set specific goals and track your progress. Focus on mastering each part before moving on to the next, and actively seek feedback from mentors, experts, or peers, and adjust your practice accordingly.
Here are some next steps you can take to implement deliberate and focused practice in learning:
Thomas Edison said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Deliberate and focused practice is the key to perspiration, and it's through perspiration that you will achieve mastery.