Unlocking Quantum Flow: A few concepts from quantum computing to Enhance your Workday.
Are humans even quantum beings?
Some scientists think so:
They say the neurons to connect cells in our brains contain teeny but interesting structures called microtubules that might support quantum computations.
Some scientists think not:
They say neuroscience has good explanations for how the human brain works already, no need to take such a creative leap.
Whether humans are quantum beings or not, there is a lot we can learn from how quantum computers work.
The times I most fall on the side of the scientists that believe there is something quantum at work for humans has to do with the glorious “flow state”.
It’s like a passion and energy that makes one reluctant to interrupt the state, even to eat but inspires one to keep working and riding that dopamine-enhancing, productivity mass accelerator.
When speaking in the flow state, it can feel like you're learning from your own words.
Weird but cool?
Flow implies that it’s coming from somewhere else and flowing through us.
When it happens, it feels great.
Scientists largely agree that quantum concepts are behind some important events in nature.
Ever wonder how birds navigate?
Quantum mechanics at work.
Or how plants photosynthesize?
Again, quantum mechanics.
Quantum computers require nearly absolute zero temperatures.
They also need vacuum chambers…. There are days I do feel as if my head meets this requirement.
But our brains?
Warm, wet, and noisy.
Not ideal for quantum coherence.
Still, we can learn a lot from quantum computing.
Let's dive in.
Decoherence means productivity stops.
Just as quantum states lose coherence and can’t function due to noise, our productivity drops with distractions.
By tackling your most important tasks early in the day, you reduce the likelihood of distractions and maintain a high level of focus,
Most people start their day doing the LEAST important things, such as checking emails, company blogs, and sipping coffee.
That means quiet time for you and maybe even a blessed flow state.
Superposition means something can be in more than one place at a time.
Yep, it's like the word position but wearing a cape.
This is great for quantum computers but bad for you.
Microtubules or not, your brain is better at focusing on one thing at a time as much as possible.
The brain is managing incredible autonomic things already such as breathing and heart rythm to name a few.
Let's use the remaining grey matter in a targeted way.
Since our conscious mind can't be in multiple places at once, it means focused work is more productive than multitasking.
Can you avoid multitasking altogether?
We wish! But no.
Can you develop workflows, systems and time blocks of protected time in your calendar to help a bit?
For sure.
Single-tasking channels our energy in a more powerful way.
Superposition may be the quantum concept that is hardest for humans.
Entanglement and Collaboration go hand in hand.
If you are in a cubicle next to your co-worker, working on another floor, or on a beach in Thailand (By the way, aren’t you hot? Sunburned? Ouch!) quantum entanglement is all interconnectedness.
Particles can stay connected no matter the distance between them.
Cool fact: We are made of particles.
This may mean that people you work with, also made of particles, located in your office or remotely are connected to and affected by you.
Have you worked with leaders or co-workers who were passionate and excited about a project?
Did you like being around them and did they leave a piece of that feeling with you?
Be that person.
You can call it energy, vibes entanglement, but one passionate producer can lift the whole team.
Are there other ways to take advantage of entanglement? I have a go-to list of favorite business leaders and yes… sometimes….YouTubers.
Some days I try to channel (not a pun) and work as if I were Business Leader X for a day.
It works and each time I learn something. I know it sounds insane but so does quantum computing, yet… it works.
You may be reading this and thinking... you're collaborating with your co-workers...and imaginary friends?
Quantum Tunneling means Breakthroughs for problems that may even feel impossible at first.
Fun note, most problems feel impossible at first.
The concept of quantum tunneling defies classical physics.
Think, scientist cage match, MIT Stata Center parking lot. Noon. Street rules apply! Except, no TI calculators as armor! No hitting glasses!
Some ways to take advantage of quantum tunneling include meditating, showering (even if not for quantum tunneling, try to do this one at least once a day), or taking a walk while imagining solutions to your challenge.
When ideas come to mind, write them down.
Our brains are great for generating ideas but lousy at storing them, so write.
The idea of tunneling helps us find approaches and systems that solve problems.
Solving problems and creating systems is the most valuable thing you can do in any relationship.
Clients love it.
Bosses love it.
Partners and families love it!
Let’s stay open to new possibilities.
And integrate these lessons into our daily routines.
Leading to happier, more productive lives.
I’m Rob Pruitt
I’m a technical recruiter and business developer with TEEMA.
This occupation allows me to be a part of the team at many of my dream companies. Yours?