Unlocking the Power of Productive Procrastination for Entrepreneurial Success
Viveka von Rosen
Helping female executives in their 50s (plus) PIVOT into Entrepreneurship | You have a CALLING. It's time to uncover and fulfill it! | Increase your Visibility & Vitality | Keynote Speaker | Author | Catalyst and Coach
Can Procrastination Work FOR Us?
I was on Debra Eckerling’s awesome podcast last night with some pretty spectacular ladies (Heather Eck and Kat Neff).? We were talking about what we, as entrepreneurs (and women), need to do to showcase ourselves. And of course, one of the first things I talked about was the need to shift our mindset when moving from exec to entrepreneur.
One mindset I've been thinking about lately is procrastination.? I don’t know about you, but I was always pushed to do do do!? But this week in particular, that’s been especially hard.? I feel like I’ve been moving through molasses. Like I need to take a breather after every action, chore, call and task!? As a person who likes to whiz through my daily tasks and GET THINGS DONE, this has been a real challenge.
But what if procrastination was really a secret weapon, and not a vice?
Check out this article on how changing your perspective might just open some new doors to abundance and flexibility in business.
Let’s turn those years of wisdom into your competitive edge!
Embracing Procrastination as a Strategic Tool
We often view procrastination as the enemy of productivity, but what if it's actually a secret weapon for business success?
The Art of Deliberate Delay
Procrastination is definitely not a typical mindset for entrepreneurs who must be as productive as possible and use every single second of every day in order to create a successful business.
But what if we NEED to procrastinate every now and then?
Intentional procrastination isn't about laziness; it's about clarity and innovation.?
A well-timed pause can let fresh ideas bubble up, much like John Perry suggests in "The Art of Procrastination ".
Sometimes stepping back is exactly what we need to leap forward in our entrepreneurial journey.
Procrastination in Ancient Wisdom
In Ancient Egypt, delaying tasks was viewed as "awaiting the opportune moment," while the ancient Greeks and Romans held procrastination in high regard, with wise leaders often spending their time in deep contemplation rather than immediate action.
This age-old concept of “waiting for the right time” ? still rings true today, especially when we're seeking that sweet spot between haste and hesitation.
In her TEXx Talk "Procrastination is the Key to Problem Solving ", Andrea Jackson unpacks how this “Productive Procrastination” can unravel complex issues with ease.
Andrea herself identifies herself as an “expert procrastinator” and challenges the modern world's emphasis on productivity. She argues that this focus is the enemy of innovation and creativity.
Exploring the neuroscience behind procrastination, she explains how it involves more than just delaying tasks and feeling guilty. This guilt is, in fact, crucial as it ensures the task remains on our minds, activating a "supersonic jigsaw puzzle" in our brains. This process allows us to subconsciously process various pieces of information, eventually leading to innovative ideas or solutions.
In fact, historical figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison are cited as examples of successful procrastinators who used this approach to fuel their creativity.?
Andrea Jackson also mentions modern companies like Flickr and LiveFire, which encourage playful environments to foster productive procrastination among employees. She shares that companies led by procrastinators tend to be more profitable, attributing this success to the flexibility, innovation, and agility that productive procrastination can bring.
Should You Aspire to be an “Expert Procrastinator”
As a female entrepreneur ready to craft your legacy business, you understand that timing matters just as much as action does.?
You might find yourself at a crossroads where every direction seems viable.
When I launched my business I:
All in 6 weeks!
I was all DO DO DO.? And then I seriously burned myself out.? Had it not been for my daily morning practice of journaling and meditation, I would likely still be a quivering heap under the covers.
I should have procrastinated more! Deliberate procrastinatory tactics come into play—giving you room to breathe and assess your next big move with precision. Forget DO DO DO for a while and BE BE BE!
I've learned that deliberate procrastination is not about inaction; it's about giving yourself spac to think and plan more effectively. It's time to shift from constant doing to being.
Expanding on Procrastination: Practices, FAQs, and More
Practical Tips for Productive Procrastination:
FAQs About Procrastination:
1: Is all procrastination beneficial?
2: How can I tell if I'm procrastinating productively?
3: Can procrastination fit into a structured workday?
In Conclusion:
Procrastination, when harnessed correctly, can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs. It's not about shirking responsibilities but about allowing your brain the space and time it needs to come up with groundbreaking ideas. So next time you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself: could this be working for me??
Embrace these moments. They are not signs of indecision but rather indicators that your mind is diligently working behind the scenes towards success. And who knows? That sudden burst of creativity under pressure or an epiphany leading to better decision-making could be right around the corner—all thanks to giving yourself permission for a mindful respite from constant doing.
Driving profitability in aviation & aerospace by advancing the careers and retention of its top female talent | Talent Development | Retention Strategies | Employee Engagement | Reputation & Brand Value
7 个月Viveka von Rosen If Leonardo da Vinci is a noted procrastinator, then I am all in on thinking differently about my own procrastination! Thank you for making me thinking differently about a trait that I have been ashamed of my entire life! Strategic pause it is!
I help CEOs reimagine businesses delivering billion-dollar ROI with the power of AI | "the GTM Unleashed guy" | Built for scale
7 个月Viveka, what a great article and service to a vital cause - empowering more women in business. With the right mix of tactical savvy and higher purpose, you can catalyze their careers while lifting their peers.
CSM | Marketing Strategist | Scaling Mid-Market B2B & SaaS Through Personalized Marketing Outreach
7 个月Can't wait to read about it! ??
Applied Psychologist and Director of Product Specializing in Customer Research and Competitive Analysis | Helping Leaders Leave Their Mark on the World
7 个月This is a great reminder that sometimes the most valuable work we do is thinking. Thinking manifests itself in many ways and takes time and effort, a willingness to get messy, and comfort in being distracted.
Executive Presentation Coach | Speech Rehearsal & Media Interview Prep for Top Execs
7 个月So funny! I was in a podcast yesterday where I was asked about procrastination! I compared myself to a racehorse or a pony or something -- I chew on things for a bit. I'll drag my feet. That little bit of procrastination gives me what I call a "head of steam." That way, when my little pony legs get to to starting gate, I'm ready to run!