Unlocking the power of Git: A Step-by-Step Guide to Keeping Your Codebase updated with version control????
?? Getting Started with Git and GitHub: A Step-by-Step Guide ??
Are you new to Git and GitHub and wondering how to get started? Look no further! In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of setting up Git, creating a new repository, and pushing your code to GitHub. Let's dive in! ??
?? Step 1: Download Git CLI
First things first, download Git CLI (Command Line Interface) from the official website and install it on your computer. Git CLI allows you to interact with Git using the command line.
?? Step 2: Verify Git Installation
Once you have Git installed, open your command prompt or terminal and simply type 'git'. If you see the details and version information, congratulations! Git is properly installed on your system.
??? Step 3: Create a New Repository
Now, it's time to create a new repository to track your project's changes. Choose a suitable location on your computer and create a folder for your project.
?? Step 4: Navigate to Your Project Folder
Using your command prompt or terminal, navigate to the folder where you want to keep your project.
?? Step 5: Create a README File
Inside your project folder, create a new file and name it 'README.md'. This file will serve as the initial documentation for your project.
?? Step 6: Initialize Git
In the terminal, type 'git init'. This initializes a new Git repository in your project folder. All the files in this folder will now be tracked by Git, and their status will be denoted by the symbol "U"
? Step 7: Add Files to Staging Area
To start tracking changes in your project, use 'git add .' command. This adds all the files in the project folder to the staging area. The symbol "A" indicates that the files are added and ready to be committed.
? To Remove Files from Staging
If you accidentally add a file you don't want to track, you can use 'git rm --cached <file name>' to remove it from the staging area.
?? Step 8: Commit Your Changes
Now it's time to create a commit for your changes. Use 'git commit -m "Your message here"' to commit your changes. This creates a snapshot of your project in the Git history.
?? Step 9: Create a Branch
For best practices, create a new branch named 'main' (you can also use `master`). Use the command 'git branch -M main' to create and switch to the new branch.
?? Step 10: Add a Remote Repository
To link your local repository to a remote repository on GitHub, use the command 'git remote add origin https://github.com/YourUsername/YourRepo.git'. This indicates the destination where your files will be pushed.
?? Step 11: Verify Remote Configuration
To check if your remote repository is correctly configured, run `git remote -v`. It will display the origin URL.
?? Step 12: Push to GitHub
Now, it's time to push your code to GitHub. Use 'git push -u origin main' to push your changes from the 'main' branch to the remote repository on GitHub.
?? Step 13: Set Your GitHub Details
Before pushing your code, set your GitHub username and email using the following commands:
git config --global user.name "YourGitHubUsername
git config --global user.email "[email protected]""
?? Step 14: Keep Updating Your Code
Whenever you make further changes to your project, simply use the following commands:
git add README.m
git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message"
git push origin main
Congratulations! ?? You've successfully set up Git, created a repository, and pushed your code to GitHub. Now you can collaborate with others and keep your project safe with version control. Happy coding! ????