Unlocking the power of artificial intelligence

Unlocking the power of artificial intelligence

Unlocking the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is like opening doors to a world of revolutionary and transformative possibilities. By 2025, according to research by PwC, it is estimated that AI will add around 15.7 trillion dollars to the global economy. However, its true power goes beyond these figures, as the McKinsey Global Institute report predicts that 50 per cent of all jobs will be automated between 2030 and 2060.

AI empowers entire sectors, from healthcare to manufacturing, offering precise insights and automating complex processes. The ability to analyse large data sets in real time allows for faster medical discoveries, more accurate weather forecasts and advanced personalisation in a variety of fields.

However, in unlocking this power, ethical and social challenges arise. Transparency and ethics in the use of AI are essential to building trust. Ensuring that AI not only benefits efficiency, but is also applied in a fair and inclusive way, is crucial.

Collaboration between humans and machines is also a key aspect. AI complements human skills, increasing productivity and freeing up time for more creative and strategic activities. This symbiotic partnership is key to ensuring that AI is an enabling tool, not a replacement.

As we unlock the power of AI, it is crucial to consider not only its technical potential, but also its social, ethical and human impact.

The true value of artificial intelligence lies not just in its processing capacity, but in how we can use it to improve people's lives and drive a more inclusive and sustainable future. - Felipe Salvador

Felipe Salvador

is a Retail Segment Owner and Market Inteligence Specialist at Selbetti Tecnologia, has extensive experience in retail and strategy, innovation and marketing consultancies. He creates and manages the commercial strategies and engagements in Brazil for the retail segment, with a focus on economic prosperity and corporate management, overseeing efforts to achieve goals, adding speed by creating probable scenarios under combinatorial mathematics and market intelligence. Besides retail, it moves between verticals, B2C and B2B.

Stanley Russel

??? Engineer & Manufacturer ?? | Internet Bonding routers to Video Servers | Network equipment production | ISP Independent IP address provider | Customized Packet level Encryption & Security ?? | On-premises Cloud ?

9 个月

Unlocking the power of artificial intelligence (AI) signifies a profound journey into a realm of transformative possibilities. As we embrace this technological evolution, it becomes imperative to strike a delicate balance—ushering in innovation while remaining mindful of the capacity for human understanding and management. How do you envision this delicate interplay between AI's potential for revolution and the need for responsible integration with human capabilities? Share your insights on navigating this transformative landscape where AI opens doors to possibilities but requires a nuanced approach to ensure ethical and sustainable advancement.

Couldn't agree more! Unleashing AI's potential genuinely feels like stepping into a sci-fi movie. ?? It's fascinating yet a tad intimidating. No worries, though, human adaptability is pretty extraordinary. As stewards of AI, we need to ensure a harmonious blend with human capacities. After all, we don't just want to build smart machines, but a smarter society too. #AI #futureoftech #transformation ????


