Unlocking The Potential of Your People
Oladimeji Olutimehin
Co-founder EWB Nigeria, Startup Business model, innovation & culture consultant l. Value Giver Coach. Truly Human Consultant
One of the biggest challenges of businesses is how to tap into the vast potential of their people. When executives see people as functions, all they are able to unlock is the skills that people have. People are much more than their skills. What makes the difference is to start treating people as humans.
The way we treat determines how they act and what they do. That is because people are driven by how they feel about themselves. If they feel human, they will act human. If they feel like a thing, they will act like that. When companies start creating an environment that makes people feel human, then they will have all that makes people human.
?There is no way anyone can bring out from people what they can’t see in them and when they don’t believe in people. In many cases, people believe more in machines than they believe in people and their potential. People will always rise to be what you expect of them. If you believe that they are humans and expect the best from them, as humans they will rise to your expectation. However, if you see them as a function, you will constrain them to that limitation.
Wise business owners, therefore, design a system that connects them to their people emotionally. You cannot get the best of your people when you connect with them mentally. Our mindsets are controlled by our feelings. The truth is that human potential and ingenuity are either enhanced or limited by how people feel. When people are in love, an emotion, they can do incredible and extraordinary things.
Now imagine a workplace where the people feel good about themselves and always look forward to the next day when they will come back to work. A place where they are sent home intentionally safe, happy, and fulfilled. Do we have such a company? Yes, we do.
Bob Chapman at BarryWehmiller, Raj Sisodia with Conscious Capitalism, and we at HumanKabal are making sure that more businesses become truly human, a healing place and build a culture that brings out our humanity. We want more companies to unlock the potential of all the humans they are privileged to have working for them. They are not functions, titles, or roles, they are humans.
When you see people as a function, you will define the culture of an organization in terms of values and behaviors. However, when you see people as humans, you will define your culture in terms of how you make people feel about themselves. Values don’t drive behavior, emotions do. When people feel good about themselves. The focus of every culture should not be about conforming people to group-value and group-behave.
When you want to have the best of people, don’t tell them what to do or how you expect them to behave, just make them feel good about themselves and they will behave right and act. Understanding humans help build a better culture.
Components of a Truly Human Culture
1. Culture of Celebration: What people are celebrated, they do and give more
“Look for the goodness in people and recognize and celebrate it daily.” Bob Chapman
2. Culture of Caring: When people feel cared for, they care for others
“Genuinely taking an interest in people and caring about them create a caring world.” Bob Chapman
3. Culture of Trust: When people feel trusted, they trust others
“Trust is the foundation of all relationships; act accordingly.” Bob Chapman
4. Culture of Leadership: When people are led, they become the best
“The way we lead has a profound impact on the way people live.” Bob Chapman
5. Culture of Ownership: When people have a feeling of ownership, they take care of it
“Taking complete ownership of your outcomes by holding no one but yourself responsible for them is the most powerful thing you can do to drive your success.” Gary W. Keller
6. Culture of Growth: When people are growing, they grow the business
“Business growth and people growth aren’t separate ideas; they are complementary pieces in creating value.” Bob Chapman
7. Culture of Childish Curiosity: When people are curious, they discover new things and innovate
“The power to question is the basis of all human progress.” Indira Gandhi
8. Culture of Responsible Freedom: When people feel free, they become responsible for the outcome
“I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom
9. Culture of Altruism: When people are taken care of, they take care and serve others
“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
Even your very best people will only deliver mediocre results in a culture that doesn’t enhance their humanity. Ordinary people will produce extraordinary results in a culture that makes them feel human and good about themselves, while the most extraordinary and gifted employees will deliver ordinary results in a culture that makes them only feel as a function or role. Culture is the fuel that drives employee performance.
Be part of the Game-Changer Value Creation Coaching program. You will go through the mindset required to create and the tools you need to always create value in the workplace. Are you ready for a fundamental change- a breakthrough in the way you approach your work? If you are, then you are ready for the Value Giver Coach Program. Please call +2348101671745.
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