Unlocking Potential
‘Unlocking Potential’ provides practical coaching tools to empower leaders, managers, and supervisors to foster meaningful engagement with their teams and to promote positive organizational change. It serves as a comprehensive guide to becoming an exceptional leader.
Too many companies are run by bosses and managers who know less about their work than those they oversee. Author Michael Simpson walks us through seven proven coaching skills and how to apply them to business and life.
Among the seven skills we have:
1. Building Trust:
It should come as no surprise that being an effective leader begins with a solid foundation of trust. Without 100% trust, people will never give 100% in return. Successful leaders must fully believe in the wisdom they share, and draw upon the testing ground of personal experience to offer that wisdom.
Earning trust from a team begins with being genuinely concerned for their future and welfare. This must be done consistently and in a manner that respects the privacy of each and every individual.
2. Challenging Paradigms:
Paradigms are those deeply ingrained views that shape our ways of thinking about the world. Recognizing which paradigms are harmful or beneficial for the context at hand is part of what makes a great leader.
A Leader excels at turning struggles into positive experiences. These experiences make us stronger and breed innovation. Only a bad leader will try to sugarcoat every hiccup in the interest of keeping things running smoothly.
3. Seeking Strategic Clarity:
Leaders are neither dictators nor laid-back personalities. They exist somewhere in the middle, guiding individuals to choose wisely while nourishing personal goals in the context of a crystal-clear strategy.
That said, leaders aren’t meant to impose your vision on individuals. Rather, coaches should be helping individuals come up with their own mission statement, something realistic that they not only can follow but also want to follow.
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Joe Calasan