Unlocking Memory Power: How Adrenaline Boosts Learning and Retention
Justas Muzikevcius
Physiotherapist | Passionate About Teaching & Inspiring Others
Adrenaline's pivotal role in memory enhancement is explored in this article. It delves into how this neurochemical reinforces memory circuits during moments of heightened importance, shedding light on the science behind efficient learning. Discover the art of leveraging adrenaline for optimal learning, from natural methods to supplements, and uncover a three-step strategy to boost memory retentio
What is the role of adrenaline in memory?
To put it simply – it helps to strengthen neural circuitry that is responsible for a specific memory as the increase in adrenaline signals to the body that something important is happening. In the mammalian brain signals of elevated heart rate, expanding blood vessels & narrowing of focus are all associated with danger. It is important for us to remember and learn from such events so that we know how to behave the next time that this happens.
When it come to remembering information – especially boring information that has little to zero interest to us, it can be very difficult to recall later.
More and more repetitions are needed to strengthen the neural pathways and cement the random piece of knowledge. The increase of adrenaline shortly after a learning bout reduces the amount of repetitions needed to learn something as the change in neurochemicals signal to the brain that the information is useful and worthwhile to keep.
How to affectively use adrenaline to learn
Usually, we bru coffee, have a seat and sip away as we try to learn. Sounds familiar? It definitely does to me – for many years I thought that this was the best way to study. Whilst having a delicious cup of coffee is not bad before doing work as it increases your focus and productivity – it is not optimal if you want to learn something quicker.
So, what is the best way to affectively use adrenaline to learn? In medieval times, communities threw young children in the river shortly after an important event when they wanted them to remember it. Fortunately, we are long past that age. However, the idea still holds.
Here is a 3-step process to leveraging adrenaline to your advantage.
1.???? Go in to learn in a neutral state (no coffee or other stimulants)
2.???? Study for 30 to 90 minutes with 5-minute breaks after every 25 minutes
3.???? As soon as you finish (5-10 minutes maximum) spike adrenaline levels by either drinking coffee or other adrenal releasing activities (discussed further down the article)
Question: Can I have coffee before starting and then have more coffee after to help cement the learning bout?
Answer: It’s not wise to spike adrenaline before AND after as it has been shown it’s not the absolute amount of adrenaline release but the amount of adrenaline release compared to how much adrenaline is already in the system – meaning that if you have low adrenaline and increase it, then it will help to remember that information better than having an already high amount and spiking it just little bit more.
How Can you get adrenaline naturally?
We now know that coffee increase our adrenaline levels and help us remember after a studying.
But what else can we do?
Supplements that increase adrenaline
It’s always advisable to get your nutrients from whole foods or from other natural sources. However, if sometimes time is not on your side or your not in an environment where you can go for a sprint or have a cold shower turning towards supplements can be a great option.
Although these supplements can be found in foods we eat and are overall not bad
always speak to a doctor or a professional before starting anything new as everyone is different and can have some adverse effects.