Unlocking LeetCode Success: Master Problem Solving with Maps, Dynamic Programming, and Greedy Algorithms
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Unlocking LeetCode Success: Master Problem Solving with Maps, Dynamic Programming, and Greedy Algorithms


LeetCode serves as a popular platform for honing coding skills by offering a wide array of challenges. To conquer these problems efficiently, it’s crucial to identify the right approach among three powerful techniques: Maps, Dynamic Programming, and Greedy Algorithms. A great range of all technical interview questions can be tackled effectively using these three fundamental approaches. In this comprehensive guide, we will not only explore these techniques but also equip you with the skills to choose the best approach for any given problem.


Before we dive into the strategies, let’s acknowledge the wisdom of a past article that inspired this guide. Although the original article eludes us, we hope to honor the author’s work by providing valuable insights for fellow problem solvers. If you come across the original author or the article itself, please reach out so we can give credit where it’s due.

Identifying the Right?Approach

The first step towards mastering LeetCode problem solving is identifying which technique?—?Maps, Dynamic Programming, or Greedy Algorithms?—?best suits the task at hand. Here’s how you can navigate that decision-making process:

1. Read and Understand the Problem Statement:

  • Immerse yourself in the problem statement; read it multiple times.
  • Grasp the requirements, constraints, input-output formats, and any specific patterns mentioned.

2. Identify Problem Characteristics:

Analyze the problem to uncover key characteristics that hint at a particular approach:

  • Search or Lookup Requirements: Opt for Maps (hash map or dictionary) when searching for elements or performing lookups efficiently in a non specific order.
  • Optimization or Counting: Greedy Algorithms shine when optimizing values or counting solutions.
  • Recursive Structure: If smaller subproblems can be solved independently, Dynamic Programming is a strong candidate.
  • Sequencing or Ordering: Dynamic Programming or Greedy Algorithms are often the answer for problems involving ordering elements.
  • Graphs or Networks: For graph-related challenges, consider graph traversal, shortest-path algorithms (e.g., Dijkstra’s, Bellman-Ford), or specialized graph algorithms. In highly specialized cases, explore domain-specific algorithms for complex problems, like routing or network optimization. (not the three for these ??)

3. Check for Repeating Subproblems:

  • Dynamic Programming thrives when you notice repeating subproblems, making it an excellent choice in such scenarios.

4. Consider Complexity and Efficiency:

  • Evaluate time and space complexity requirements. Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms often excel in terms of efficiency, while Maps offer fast lookups.

5. Explore Examples and Test?Cases:

  • Create test cases and examples to visualize potential approaches.
  • Experiment with small instances of the problem to uncover underlying patterns.
  • Remember to extrapolate the maximum value of the problems params, so you check memory limit, timeouts and if you’re using the right type (e.g., int or long int).

Building the?Solution

Once you’ve chosen the appropriate approach, it’s time to construct your solution. Here’s a roadmap for each technique:

For Maps:

  • Start by initializing an empty map (hash map or dictionary).
  • Populate the map with relevant information based on the problem.
  • Utilize the map for efficient lookups or data storage.
  • Implement necessary iterations or algorithms that leverage the map.

For Dynamic Programming:

  • Define the subproblem structure and reuse solutions to smaller subproblems.
  • Create a memoization table or array for storing subproblem solutions (top-down or bottom-up).
  • Develop a recursive function that utilizes the memoization table.
  • Implement loops or logic to fill in the memoization table iteratively.

For Greedy Algorithms:

  • Identify the greedy choice or heuristic that leads to locally optimal decisions.
  • Formulate an algorithm that consistently selects the greedy choice.
  • Ensure your implementation adheres to the greedy property, avoiding revisiting decisions.



Maps can be used to solve a variety of LeetCode problems, including:

  • Two Sum: Store the elements of the input array and their corresponding indices in a map. Then, iterate over the map and check if the target sum is equal to the sum of two elements in the map.
  • Kth Largest Element in an Array: Store the frequencies of the elements in the array in a map. Then, iterate over the map and keep track of the top k elements.
  • Graph Traversal: Store the relationships between different nodes in a graph in a map. Then, use a depth-first search or breadth-first search algorithm to traverse the graph.

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming can be used to solve a variety of LeetCode problems, including:

  • Fibonacci Number: Calculate the Fibonacci numbers recursively, but store the results of previous calculations in a table to avoid recalculating them.
  • Longest Common Subsequence: Use a dynamic programming table to store the length of the longest common subsequence of two strings up to each character index.
  • Edit Distance: Use a dynamic programming table to store the minimum number of edits required to convert one string to another up to each character index.
  • Maximum Subarray: Use a dynamic programming table to store the maximum sum of a subarray up to each character index.

Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms can be used to solve a variety of LeetCode problems, including:

  • Knapsack Problem: Greedily select the items that have the highest value-to-weight ratio until the knapsack reaches its capacity.
  • Coin Change: Greedily select the largest coins that can be used to make up the target amount.
  • Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree: Greedily add edges to the minimum spanning tree one at a time, starting with the edge with the lowest weight.
  • Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm: Greedily add edges to the shortest path tree one at a time, starting with the node with the shortest distance from the source node.


While Maps, Dynamic Programming, and Greedy Algorithms are undoubtedly powerful problem-solving techniques, they may not cover the entire spectrum of LeetCode problems. To solve the majority of LeetCode problems effectively, you’ll need to add a few more techniques to your toolkit. Here’s a minimum set of techniques to tackle the majority of LeetCode problems:

  1. Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS): These graph traversal techniques are fundamental for problems involving trees, graphs, and networks. DFS is excellent for exploring deeper into a structure, while BFS is ideal for exploring neighbors layer by layer.
  2. Sorting Algorithms: A solid understanding of sorting algorithms (e.g., quicksort, mergesort) is crucial for problems that involve ordering elements or finding specific patterns within data.
  3. Binary Search: Binary search is essential for efficiently finding elements in sorted arrays or solving problems that involve searching within a range.
  4. Two-Pointers Technique: The two-pointers technique is valuable for solving problems with constraints such as finding pairs or subsequences in an array.
  5. Backtracking: Backtracking is indispensable for solving combinatorial problems, generating permutations, and exploring all possible solutions through recursive exploration.
  6. Stacks and Queues: These data structures are handy for solving problems that require last-in-first-out (LIFO) or first-in-first-out (FIFO) behavior, such as parentheses matching or tracking state transitions.
  7. Bit Manipulation: Understanding bitwise operations is essential for solving problems related to binary representation, bit manipulation, or bitwise logic.
  8. Linked Lists: Mastery of linked list manipulation and traversal is vital for solving problems related to singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, or even circular linked lists.
  9. Heap (Priority Queue): Heaps are useful for solving problems that involve maintaining a dynamic priority order, such as finding the kth largest or smallest element.
  10. Union-Find (Disjoint Set Union): Union-find data structures are valuable for solving problems that involve connected components or disjoint sets, such as graph connectivity problems.

As you gain proficiency in these techniques and the art of selecting the right approach, your journey on LeetCode and beyond will be marked by success.

Remember these guiding principles:

  • Thoroughly understand the problem statement.
  • Break down complex problems into manageable subproblems.
  • Seek patterns within the data.
  • Experiment with different techniques.
  • Use debugging tools to refine your code.
  • Practice regularly and gain experience.

By following this roadmap and continually honing your problem-solving skills, you’ll not only conquer LeetCode but also deepen your understanding of algorithms and data structures. Happy coding!


