Sleep is that state of the body in which physical as well as mental activities are reduced, consciousness is altered and sensory activities are inhibited. There is a decrease in muscle activity and interactions with the surrounding environment. It affects the body physically as well as mentally. Therefore, it is quite important for us to take a good sleep. In this blog, we shall discuss about the importance of sleep and some tips that will help you in getting a better sleep.
- Not getting enough sleep is associated with fat. Lack of sleep is one of the largest risk factors in obesity. Researchers find out that adults are not getting enough sleep. 55% of them are more likely to be obese. Children are 89% more likely to be obese who are not getting enough sleep.
- Getting the right amount of sleep improves hormones. Cortisol which is the stress hormone is lower with the right amount of sleep. Elevated levels of this hormone overtime are associated with poor skin quality, obesity and a long list of other issues. Better sleep has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and raise testosterone levels which will give you more natural energy.
- Good sleep improves the immune system. Good sleep helps in fight of being sick. In a recent study, people who sleep less than 7 hours are 3 times more likely to develop a cold than those sleeping 8 hours or more.
- Sleeping helps improve learning. In a Swiss university study, 2 groups were introduced to a new language, one group right before bed and one during the daytime. The one who slept after learning new material learned the language quicker than those the daytime. So, studying before bed is seems to be a good idea.
- Good sleep lowers the risk of developing depression. In a study of twins, researchers find out that bad sleep increases the genetic risk of developing depression. It has been estimated that 90% of patients with depression also suffer from same form of sleep apnea.
- People who get a good sleep naturally eat less. When you don’t get enough sleep, the fluctuations of hormone cause greater cravings and worse appetite control. So, if you are the one who is trying to lose weight but just cannot stay away from late night snacks, getting in more sleep will help.
- Sleep helps us empathise with others. You get a better social understanding. Those who are sleep deprived, are likely to lose the ability to properly recognise expressions.
- Sleep improves athletic performance. In a recent study of basketball players, researchers find out that a better night rest improved players reaction time, speed and accuracy.