Unlocking Hidden Qualities for Enhanced Business Outcomes

Unlocking Hidden Qualities for Enhanced Business Outcomes

If you're grappling with uncertainty, sensing the need to pause your current work, explore new opportunities, chart a different course, or navigate uncharted territory, rest assured, you're not alone. This theme has echoed in the stories of many of my clients in recent months.

Susan had done due diligence in redefining and expanding her work, hiring more staff, and attracting more customer opportunities. Despite dedicated efforts, customers continued to request the work she was trying to move away from, and the new hires disappointed her expectations in both process and results. She said, “Maybe ‘The Universe’ is trying to tell me something, but I’m really done with all this.”

One client was prepared to walk away from her work without a clear forward plan. Susan had diligently redefined and expanded her work, increased her staff, and sought more customer opportunities. Despite her dedicated efforts, customers persistently requested the work she wanted to transition away from, and the new hires fell short of her expectations in both process and results. She vented, “Perhaps 'The Universe' is trying to convey a message, but I'm truly done with all of this.”

During an Advanced Intuitive Insight (AII) Business Reading, it became evident that a latent quality in Susan's unconscious was poised to resurface. Completely oblivious to this, she promptly dismissed the quality as irrelevant. This underscores the significance of intuitive insight. When an internal aspect is ready to manifest in our lives, and we judge and resist it, that resistance can impede or hinder success as we have traditionally defined it.

Susan embodies a balanced leadership approach, demonstrating astute planning in response to market conditions and business goals. She ensures her employees and partners feel heard and satisfied, oversees operations and processes to guarantee business efficiency and effectiveness, and responsibly monitors the achievement of revenue and profit goals.

She tends to overlook her own feelings and dismisses aspects of her business that may seem superfluous. This is where she had to discover her inner map of reality, leading to a transformation in how she engages with her business, ultimately finding greater energy and joy in the process.

In the AII Business Reading, Susan was taken aback when I revealed that she had suppressed a part of herself that had once captivated her—the quality of beauty. Initially, Susan brushed this aside as distracting, superficial, and unhelpful in the realm of business. She considered art to be a costly indulgence, that promotes self-absorption. While acknowledging this perspective, I proceeded to present Susan with an alternative way of thinking about it.

“You possess hidden gifts that allow you to deeply understand and use proportion and dimension, contrast and harmony, color and shape to convey a message," I remarked. Then I continued with a story.

Through the metaphor and symbiology found in the language of intuition, stories help clients remember hidden parts of themselves or understand why they judge certain qualities or parts of themselves. We can all feel the difference in energy when we walk into a room that has a particular feel to it or in which we feel a particular way, such as open-hearted or overwhelmed or devout. From ancient times till current time, we are still drawn to great architecture, art and beauty that contain messages, such as Stonehenge or The Great Wall of China or the Taj Mahal.

Using metaphor and symbiology inherent in the language of intuition, stories serve as a tool to help clients recollect hidden aspects of themselves or gain insight into why they might judge certain qualities or parts of themselves. We all perceive a distinct energy when entering a room with a particular atmosphere or where we experience a specific emotion, whether it's open-heartedness, overwhelm, or reverence. Throughout history, the allure of great architecture, art, and beauty has endured, carrying profound messages that can be sensed in examples such as Stonehenge, The Great Wall of China, or the Taj Mahal.

In this story, Susan created exquisite art with the intention of influencing the ambiance in a room where high-level contracts were negotiated. She understood the idea that environments could serve as both secure containers and sources of inspiration for purpose.

In another tale, Susan's father arranged her marriage to a wealthy gentleman, despite her lack of affection for him. Focusing on surrounding herself with beauty and art, she prioritized these pursuits to the extent that she neglected relationships and worldly responsibilities. Despite marrying and having multiple children, she delegated their upbringing to nannies while she continued to indulge in her passion for beauty and art. Tragically, when her husband passed away suddenly, revealing substantial debts, Susan found herself destitute—with no financial resources, lacking mothering and work skills, and no means of survival.

This experience led to a dramatic shift in Susan's perspective. By the end of the story, she pledged to avoid being distracted by the perceived superficiality of beauty or "feminine arts." Instead, she committed herself to diligent relationship building, taking responsibility for practical skills, and especially what she perceived as the "masculine energy" of production, and ensuring survivability.

Susan then said, “This actually makes me tear up. I designed my home and my office, paying a lot of attention to proportion, color, balance and harmony. Then I stood back and, as beautiful as it is, I said to myself, ‘I shouldn’t have done this. It cost me a lot of money…and to what end?’”

I replied, “Well, you are organizing around a principle that tries to deter you from becoming interested in beauty – and when you do, ‘it will cost you.’”

Susan then expressed, "This actually makes me tear up. I designed my home and my office, investing significant attention in proportion, color, balance, and harmony. However, as beautiful as it is, I stood back and thought to myself, 'I shouldn't have done this. It cost me a lot of money...and to what end?'"

In response, I said, "Well, you are organizing around an unconscious principle that discourages you from embracing beauty – so that when you do, your unconscious mind will remind you that 'this will cost you.'"

As these stories ignited Susan's imagination regarding the impact of art and beauty on contribution, productivity, and positive attitudes in fulfilling client requests, she exclaimed, "If this really is good for business, I would love it." Her energy and motivation to advance her business were heightened. Subsequently, I provided her with energy-based exercises to reinforce her positive attention to this rediscovered aspect of herself.

Since then, Susan has discovered various ways to incorporate art in influencing customers to purchase the new products and services she aimed to emphasize. Additionally, she has involved her employees in designing their offices to boost their energy levels and excitement in their work.

Susan’s bottom line now reflects the richness of her deeper partnership with herself.

AII brings higher perspectives that enrich your life from the inside out.

#HiddenQualities #BusinessTransformation #IntuitiveInsight #ArtInBusiness

Therese Rowley, Ph.D.?



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