Unlocking Hidden Opportunities in a Saturated Market

Unlocking Hidden Opportunities in a Saturated Market

There is nothing like ending the week with some insider market tips!

But please don't call the SEC because I won't be handing you stock advice. Sorry to disappoint.

But I will give you one tip very quickly—I've gotten a ton of fantastic feedback about my Liquid Insight Digital Marketing Audit. Click here to learn more about how to find out what's working for your branded marketing.

But back to the subject at hand...

I want you to start treating your craft beverage business like investing in the stock market.

I know that sounds weird at first, but follow me here.

Most people don't bother buying stocks when the market is down because they think they're bad news.

Most people wait until something magical happens that causes a spike, but the fallacy is that you're paying a premium because you're jumping on the bandwagon.

So, let's compare it to the alcohol market right now.

Things are not exactly rainbows and unicorns- inflation is high, customers are fickle, and the market is supersaturated with brands.

We're in a bit of a slump.

Most brands' knee-jerk reaction is to run for the hills.

They are making massive cuts to the business and not thinking about hidden opportunities.

But that's not the best idea- let's get into why.

Just like savvy traders buy stocks super low (fire sale!) when the market sucks and hang on to them until the price goes up, I want you to think about investing in your business when things seem pretty crappy so that you can reap the long-term rewards.

You can secure a strong market position by strategically investing in your infrastructure, ramping up marketing efforts, investigating your expenses, and innovating your sales plans.

These include things like asking your vendors for new deal pricing, evaluating the margins on all your products, doubling down on digital advertising, revamping team management with scorecard systems, elevating the hospitality factor in your taproom, or focusing on account recovery and/or expanding to new accounts in a current sales territory.

You're getting a deal and taking advantage of opportunities other brands are missing out on because you have adopted a growth mindset instead of a scarcity one.

The investments you make today will help you play the long game.

(nod to Small Batch Standard here)

And not all of these efforts require spending money!


Not all of these investment activities will cost you money!

Some only require a little bit of time and effort.

So, instead of thinking about how miserable everything is at the moment, I want you to think about how you can analyze your numbers, pinpoint areas of opportunity, and make strategic business decisions that will propel you past your competition.

It's time to take action!


PS—I've brought back my Part-Time Consulting Programs! Contact me about PT service packages for those needing customized guidance but not ready financially to commit to Full-Time Strategic Consulting. I get it. I see you out there, and I know things are tight. Book a call with me today to get started.

PPS - the Barrel 2 Business Membership Group is digging into Financial Literacy this month (whoop!). It's going to be a scorcher. Click here to join and reply to this email to ask how you can get a discount on your program if you bring an industry friend!


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