Unlocking the Habit of Reading: My Journey to 100+ Books
CA Vishal Kumar V
Qualified Chartered Accountant || Assistant Manager at Covalense Digital ||
From childhood, I harbored a desire to read more books. Despite trying various strategies, it took years of experimentation and learning to discover what truly worked for me. Today, I've read over 100 books, and I want to share the key strategies that transformed my reading habits.
1.?Start with what you like or love: It doesn’t matter, especially in the beginning of your journey, whether you are reading fiction, non-fiction or even comics for that matter. The main goal here is to start reading. So, pick up what you like and start there.
2. Commit to set number of pages: This is one of the most fruitful things that has helped me read a lot books, wherein I had committed myself to read 15 pages every single day. So, this way, I was not reading haphazardly, I used to read 15 pages and keep the book back, this is not going to make any difference on day 1 or day 2, but by the end of day 10 you would have read 150 pages and by the end of the month you would have completed 450 pages. This is more than not reading at all. If you find 15 pages to be overwhelming, try reading just 5-10 pages day.
3. Time Commitment: Just like reading a fixed number of pages per day, I committed myself that I would read at 6:30 AM every single day, this made my timetable fixed and my mind more focused.
4.?Interactive Reading: Just reading sometimes feels like a boring task, especially if the book is too theoretical, so take a pen or pencil and start marking the important points and write down your thoughts on what you read, so this way reading becomes more interesting.
5. Never skip two days in the row: This, I learnt from the Author “James Clear” who has written the book Atomic Habits, never skip the habit you are trying to learn for two days in a row, if for some reason you skip reading for one day immediately get back to it on the second day or else there are chances that you will miss many more days.
Incorporating these strategies into my life has significantly increased my reading pace. I hope these tips inspire you to read more books and embark on your own literary journey. Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the reading habit.