“Trends and challenges of hiring in the medical and veterinary fields in Germany: an analysis of the labor market”

“Trends and challenges of hiring in the medical and veterinary fields in Germany: an analysis of the labor market”


In recent years, the labor market in the medical and veterinary fields in Germany has faced a number of significant changes and challenges. These changes are associated both with demographic shifts in society and with technological innovations that are reformatting the requirements for the qualifications of specialists. As an HR partner, Znojdziem plays a key role in connecting medical and veterinary institutions with qualified specialists capable of meeting these new challenges. We help companies find suitable specialists in these fields and also support professionals in finding the best opportunities on the German labor market.

In this article we will analyze current trends and challenges faced by institutions and professionals in the medical and veterinary fields in Germany. Particular attention will be paid to aspects of recruiting, onboarding and integrating new employees in a rapidly changing labor market.

Current trends in the labor market in the medical and veterinary fields in Germany

Increasing demand for specialists

With Germany's aging population and increasing life expectancy, the demand for qualified medical and veterinary services is growing. This leads to the need to expand the staff of medical and veterinary specialists in clinics and hospitals throughout the country. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, the number of vacancies in healthcare has increased by 20% over the past five years.

Technological innovation

The introduction of new technologies, such as digital health and telemedicine, requires specialists not only to have traditional medical skills, but also to work with new tools and software. This creates a need for continuous training and professional development of existing personnel, as well as for attracting new personnel with appropriate competencies.

Changes in educational standards

In response to changing market demands, educational institutions in Germany are adapting their programs to include more courses related to healthcare management, medical information technology and specialized veterinary disciplines. This change in educational standards helps prepare specialists who can effectively cope with modern challenges.

International competition and migration

Germany attracts medical and veterinary specialists from other countries, helping to diversify its workforce. However, this also creates additional challenges, such as the need to integrate foreign specialists and adapt to a multicultural work environment. At the same time, the departure of qualified specialists abroad poses a risk to meeting domestic demand for medical services.

These trends highlight not only the increased opportunities for medical and veterinary professionals, but also the challenges they face in a rapidly changing world. Solving these problems requires coordinated efforts from both educational institutions and employers, as well as government support to ensure continuous training and professional development of specialists.

Recruitment challenges in the medical and veterinary fields

Companies face a number of unique challenges when recruiting in the medical and veterinary fields in Germany. These issues include everything from licensing and certification to adapting foreign specialists to local conditions.

Licensing and certification

One of the main barriers for medical and veterinary professionals wishing to practice in Germany is the licensing and certification process. These procedures can be lengthy and confusing, especially for professionals from abroad. Rules and requirements can vary greatly from state to state, which adds complexity to the onboarding process for foreign workers.

Integration and adaptation

The process of integration into a new medical or veterinary environment can be particularly challenging for foreign professionals. In addition to professional adaptation, they often need to overcome language barriers and cultural differences, which can slow down their entry into the team and the start of independent practice.

Lack of specialized personnel

Demand for highly specialized medical and veterinary workers in Germany exceeds supply, creating additional difficulties for employers in finding suitable candidates. The shortage of specialists is especially acute in areas such as geriatrics, radiology, anesthesiology and some veterinary specialties.

Legislative changes

Legislation in the field of health and veterinary medicine in Germany is constantly changing, which requires employers and specialists to constantly follow and adapt to innovations. Changes may concern both working conditions and quality standards of services provided, which directly affects the process of recruiting and retaining personnel.

These challenges require a flexible approach to recruiting and a clear understanding of current trends and legislation. We at Znojdziem, with our experience and deep market knowledge, help German medical and veterinary institutions overcome these barriers by offering comprehensive solutions in the field of recruitment and talent management.

The role of Znojdziem in the modern labor market

As an HR partner specialized in the medical and veterinary sectors, we play a key role in managing the complexities of the German labor market. We use a range of strategies and techniques to help both employers and professionals find optimal solutions to current challenges.

Approaches and methods of work

Individual approach to each client: we do not just help fill vacancies, but strive to deeply understand the needs and goals of each client. This allows us to offer customized solutions that best suit the specifics of medical or veterinary practice.

Examples of successful cooperation

Znojdziem is proud of many successful cases of cooperation with leading medical institutions and veterinary clinics. One example is a partnership with a large clinic in Germany (Medicine in the countryside), where we not only helped fill the shortage of vacancies in the field of rare specializations, but also developed an adaptation program for foreign specialists, significantly simplifying their integration into the team.

Selection and adaptation strategies

We have developed a comprehensive approach to the selection and adaptation of specialists, which begins with a thorough analysis of the client’s needs and ends with the full integration of the employee into the team. This includes preliminary testing of qualifications that help new employees quickly navigate their new professional environment.

Working at the intersection of HR and healthcare, Znojdziem strives not only to fill job openings, but also to create sustainable, productive relationships between employers and employees. This ensures high satisfaction and productivity in the workplace, which is critical in critical sectors such as medical and veterinary medicine.


Analyzing current trends and possible changes in the labor market in the medical and veterinary fields in Germany, we can conclude that an active response is necessary from both employers and employees. Znojdziem, as an HR partner, will continue to play an important role in this process, helping companies and professionals adapt to change and seize emerging opportunities for development and growth. Our experience and specialized knowledge allow us to effectively meet the challenges of recruiting, training and integrating specialists, making our contribution to German healthcare particularly significant.


