Unlocking Effective Parenting: The Johari Window and Dr. P T Sunderam's Four Parenting Model
P. T. Sunderam, India's 1st Neuro Parenting Genius Mentor
I help Parents with skills to mould "War kids to Star kids "through "Genius Code Parenting " A 10,000 parents 10 years proven Model
The Johari Window is a well-known psychological tool that helps individuals understand their self-awareness and improve interpersonal relationships. In a similar vein, Dr. Pt. Sunderam's Four Parenting Model provides a framework for effective parenting techniques. In this write-up, we will explore the correlation between these two concepts, highlighting the impact of different parenting styles within the context of the four quadrants of the Johari Window.
The Parenting Zone:
Within the Johari Window framework, the Parenting Zone represents the intersection of what is known to the parent and what is known to others. Dr. Pt. Sunderam's Four Parenting Model classifies this zone into two categories: Default Parenting and Design Parenting.
Default Parenting:
Default parenting aligns with the "blind spot" quadrant of the Johari Window. It refers to unconscious, inherited, or traditional parenting practices that are driven by societal norms and expectations. While it may provide a sense of stability, default parenting may limit growth and hinder a child's individuality.
Design Parenting:
Design parenting corresponds to the "open" quadrant of the Johari Window. It involves intentional and thoughtful parenting, where parents actively seek knowledge, engage in continuous learning, and adapt their approach to meet the unique needs of their child. Design parenting encourages open communication, trust, and mutual understanding.
The Modernization Zone:
In the context of Dr. Pt. Sunderam's Four Parenting Model, the Modernization Zone encompasses the realms of innovation and standardization.
Innovation in parenting aligns with the "hidden" quadrant of the Johari Window. It involves exploring new ideas, techniques, and approaches to parenting. This zone encourages parents to think creatively, adapt to changing circumstances, and embrace novel strategies to foster their child's development.
Standardization corresponds to the "unknown" quadrant of the Johari Window. It signifies establishing consistent routines, rules, and boundaries within the parenting process. Standardization provides structure, discipline, and a sense of security, allowing children to develop a strong foundation for their growth.
The Impact of Different Parenting Styles:
School Parenting:
School parenting, a subset of default parenting, heavily relies on established educational systems and institutional practices. While it may provide a structured learning environment, it may inadvertently restrict a child's creativity and individuality, emphasizing conformity over exploration.
Friends Parenting:
Friends parenting, another aspect of default parenting, entails adopting a more relaxed approach towards discipline and rules. While it fosters a friendly bond between parent and child, it may lead to a lack of boundaries and responsibility, potentially hindering the child's personal development.
Mom Parenting:
Mom parenting, an expression of design parenting, emphasizes a nurturing and empathetic approach. Mothers take ownership of their parenting journey, creating an environment that promotes emotional connection, support, and holistic growth for their children.
Scientific Parenting:
Scientific parenting embodies the essence of design parenting by integrating evidence-based practices and theories. Parents embrace a systematic approach to parenting, actively seeking knowledge, and adapting strategies to align with the latest scientific findings.