Unlocking Citizen Opportunities: How AI Transforms State Longitudinal Data 4/23/2024
Hello,?Data-Driven Leaders! In this week’s edition of the Results. Amplified. Newsletter, learn about?unlocking citizen opportunities: how AI transforms state longitudinal data. Also this week: how the Colorado Department of Corrections helped reduce recidivism by modernizing its learning management platform, what you need to know about data modernization, and more!?
Unlocking Citizen Opportunities: How AI Transforms State Longitudinal Data?
Across the US, there are 49 states already utilizing State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS), and many of them are integrating data across state agencies to provide valuable insights. By combining AI tools with SLDS, states empower citizens with personalized recommendations for job opportunities, healthcare, social services, and more. Learn how Resultant 's AI recommendation engine is reshaping state services, paving the way for scalable solutions ?
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Colorado Department of Corrections Modernizes Learning Management Platform to Help Reduce Recidivism ?
Colorado Department of Corrections aimed to modernize its corrections education system, ensuring inmates are well-prepared for successful reintegration and maintaining security in an evolving technological landscape. By introducing 谷歌 Learning Management Platforms, the DOC equips incarcerated individuals with vital educational resources, fostering self-sufficiency among teachers and students. This transformative project aims to reduce recidivism rates and create brighter futures for those seeking education while in prison.?
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Data Modernization: What You Need to Know?
Organizations make better decisions with data. From operations to performance to nurturing customer relationships, exceptional data use drives exceptional outcomes. Once the purview of only the largest, most well-funded enterprises, all organizations today need effective data use to thrive and keep pace with change. Everyone has data, but outmoded systems and processes will prevent your organization from utilizing it to its full potential. Data modernization can provide needed insights while cutting costs, but those benefits won’t come without first getting clear about strategy and objectives.?
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Resultant Helps Empower Google Public Sector Partners?
As a proud technology partner of Google for 15 years, Resultant was honored to participate in the development of Google’s new public sector partner enablement program. This initiative provides newer Google Cloud partners with carefully selected curricula, immersive training, and collaborative bootcamps enabling partners to scope, deliver, and deploy mission-critical public sector solutions. ?
Learn more about the program and Resultant’s participation:
Understanding the Value of an IT Assessment?
Nobody actually loves a health checkup. Whether it’s a routine visit to the doctor or a regular cleaning at the dentist, people tend to neglect what’s best for their health because we default to a break-fix mentality: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Organizations often have the same approach to evaluating their IT environments. But just as routine health screenings for people can prevent bigger problems later, performing regular technology assessments—a complete view of your business and technology needs—can mitigate future risk.?
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EDU Miniseries: Getting the Power of Educational Data Directly to Parents and Students?
Imagine understanding the learning journey from crayons to careers—through data. Resources like state longitudinal data systems (SLDS) have tremendous potential to empower students and schools to predict and personalize education. An SLDS provides insight into trends over time, painting a clearer picture of a student’s experience. Data Quality Campaign Executive Vice President Paige Kowalski discusses the importance of accessible longitudinal data in guiding students’ and parents’ decision-making to set on a path for successful outcomes. Listen to her conversation with guest host Curt Merlau on the latest episode of Data-Driven Leadership.?
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The Data-Driven Leadership podcast is about helping you make data your ally to lead with confidence and clarity. Do you have a story to share around your data journey??We'd love to hear from coloring-outside-the-lines innovators, big-picture thinkers, and exceptional-outcomes builders. Email us at [email protected].?
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