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Strategies for professional development, and acquiring new skills to aid in career growth.
Recognizing The Evolving Nature of Industries: In today’s job market, it is critical to equip yourself with new skills and information to continue successfully in your field. Unlocking untapped potential and acquiring new skills in your industry will not only aid in the fulfillment of your work but aid employers as well. Pushing for growth in your career shows passion, ambition, and determination. Because the market is ever-evolving, is it so important to stay up-to-date on current trends, like online courses or certification programs, and seek out a mentor who can help you overcome hurdles.
New technologies are being developed and implemented all the time, and while it may be difficult to keep up, learning how to utilize them will set you ahead of the curve and help you adapt to the changing nature of industries. Demonstrating that you are willing to be flexible and learn shows that you have a growth mindset.
Aligning Your Goals with Your Long-Term Aspirations: While you are embracing a growth mindset toward learning new skills ensure that they align with long-term career goals. Making sure you are certain about your career path and that there is no indecision will help you understand where you want to be long-term. Setting clear goals and making sure they align with your interests and values is incredibly important in taking the necessary actions to further your career.
According to research by CareerBuilder, 44% of employees feel stuck in their current roles. Being able to take control of your personal branding allows you to establish yourself in your chosen industry and shows you will be an asset to any organization. The new digital work landscape makes it crucial for you to demonstrate expertise through your social media platforms and other places you could have an online presence. Creating a strong personal brand will also aid in figuring out your long-term goals by considering factors like job title, industry, and level of responsibility.
Expanding Your Professional Network: By attending industry events and leveraging online platforms, you can expand your professional network to help ensure growth. Networking whether it be online using social media platforms or at an industry event is a lifelong skill that shows you are being proactive, and able to use efficient communication skills. Expanding your network also enables you to find colleagues and mentors who can help you unlock your growth potential and give you feedback on areas you may need to improve.
Fostering relationships with a diverse range of professionals in your industry can give you insight you may not be able to see at the current time, or potential opportunities for job opportunities or referrals to work with certain recruiters that can help you achieve the next step in your career. These people may also bring transferable skills to your attention, aiding you in finding avenues to expand your learning.
Final Thoughts: According to a survey conducted by Leftronic, 76% of employees are looking for ways to advance their careers. Performing a skill-gap analysis, finding avenues of professional development through courses, and setting goals will help you create a growth timeline, that can unlock your potential. If you would like to find out more about this topic or how working with Peak Demand can help you achieve the next steps in your career contact our Managing Partner Jon Semingson at [email protected]. Also, make sure to check out our other blogs.