Unlock Your Genius: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Polymath & Polyglot
Subhashis Banerji
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How to be a Polymath & Polyglot Level Genius
In this article, you will learn the following
Who Are Polymath & Who Are Polyglot & Benefits Of Being A Polymath Polyglot
52 Ways To Learn Multiple Languages And Become A Polyglot
44 Traits & Signs Of Polymaths
36 Tips How To Become A Polymath-Level Genius
30 Most Famous Historical Polymaths
30 Most Famous Women Polymaths
30 Most Famous Modern-Day Polymaths?
Becoming a polymath and polyglot has massive benefits and can open huge opportunities for you in your - professional, career, employment, learning studies, leadership, financial, social, business, relationship, emotional, cognitive, or mental spheres.
Becoming a polymath and polyglot – helps improve your Cognitive Functions – like emotional intelligence, social intelligence, spiritual intelligence and other 42 intelligences [read my blog on 42 types of intelligences].
Becoming a polymath will enable your body and brain to hold off the negative effects of aging - like dementia, and Alzheimer's disease – and also increase the brain mass and improve your memory.
As a polymath - You will have enhanced knowledge in the diverse fields of - literature, art, music, plays, movies, art, science, and business as well of human nature.
And also - improved adaptability, enhanced problem solving, increased cross-pollination of knowledge, sparking novel and groundbreaking ideas- You will also be able to contribute meaningfully in highly intelligent conversations and create great 1st as well as lasting impressions.
You will be acknowledged and accepted as a leader and expert.
Polymaths are people who have a wide range of knowledge, skills, awareness, and expertise - across many fields.
Polymaths can synthesize ideas, connect completely different information from multiple fields - and are able to approach problems from distinctly different angles.?
Polymaths are often also a polyglot – in fact – to become a polymath – if you can practice becoming a polyglot - then it would make your journey towards becoming a polymath more effective and faster.
What Is a Polyglot -A polyglot is someone who has conversational proficiency in several languages.
Some languages do offer more opportunities than others – BUT - all languages offer the incredible opportunity to understand a new culture, explore the world, give yourself an edge in the competitive world market, and move beyond the opportunities available to you in your current situation and space.
52 Ways to Learn Multiple Languages and Become a Polyglot
1.??? ?Ask yourself why you want to learn new languages - Are you learning it for practical reasons, like being able to travel and navigate a country that uses the target language, OR for a career or professional move
2.??? ?Identify which languages will add maximum value to you – you may identify many languages
3.??? ?Identify which of these languages will be the most advantageous to you to learn – give priority to each one of these languages
4.??? ?Now take the language as your priority number one - Ask yourself what real value addition it will do to
5.??? ?Identify What specific aspects you want to focus on while learning a new language – do you want to be able to communicate fluently Verbally only– or do you want to learn how to write, speak, and transact just like a native
6.??? ?Identify how much time, effort, energy, and money you can spend
7.??? ?Based on the above answers - Choose which one of these – suits you
8.??? ?You can have a native tutor only for yourself
9.??? ?You can learn by yourself through online and YouTube videos
10.??????????????????? You can join a class
11.??????????????????? You can learn through an app
12.??????????????????? ?You can go and stay in a place where the language of your choice is your native language AND you must learn this language ASAP to communicate with even the cab drivers, Shop-owners, etc.
13.??????????????????? ?Identify fun, entertaining, meaningful TV- shows
14.??????????????????? ?Watch Movies initially with subtitles
15.??????????????????? ?Sleep with a recording on – at a very low volume – to get these imprinted on your subconscious
16.??????????????????? ?Try Reading Newspapers after you have acquired a little proficiency
17.??????????????????? ?Listen to Books in that language
18.??????????????????? ?Visit the Countries that Speak Your Target Language
19.??????????????????? ?Explore Different Language Learning Strategies – through your basic preferential styles – auditory, visual, kinesthetic
20.??????????????????? ?You can use several memory techniques like - mnemonics, flashcards, image association, and rhymes Schedule a time – when you consciously force yourself to think in your language
21.??????????????????? ?Find ways to learn while you are busy doing something that does not need your 100% attention – like – eating, having breakfast, reading the newspaper, walking, cooking, bathing, commuting, sleeping, etc.
22.??????????????????? ?You also need to choose whether You want to learn one language at a time – or learn multiple languages at once
23.??????????????????? ?When you have learned a completely new language to a proficiency level – you can go for This technique of linking various languages and learning them simultaneously by using the STEP-translating methods
24.??????????????????? ??In this STEP-translation method – you need to form a hierarchy of languages from your mother tongue, native to others languages, AND while translating a word – instead of jumping to the new language you can translate it into your 1st language language you are most proficient and then into 2nd and then into your new language – so say English is your base language – French could be your 2nd and German could be your 3rd.
25.??????????????????? ?These methods can reinforce learning by creating new neural pathways and connections in your brain
26.??????????????????? ?To learn a new language – you need to Practice Every Day – because becoming a polyglot takes effort, consistency, and focus – which creates commitment
27.??????????????????? ?Although the more time you set aside for learning, the faster your progress will be – at least find ways to schedule it to give 20-30 minutes every day
28.??????????????????? ?Split your learning between different activities of auditory [listening], visual [watching TV], kinesthetic [reading and writing], subconscious [thinking and visualizing and translating in your mind]
29.??????????????????? ?Use the books – which has both the language in which you are proficient in AND the language you are learning – these books have sentences of everyday use in numerous situations in both the languages – helping you to translate both languages line-by-line and easily decipher how sentences and grammar are structured
30.??????????????????? ?Initially don’t focus on the pronunciation part – just try to get the w0rd right – then you can practice the correct pronunciation
31.??????????????????? ?If possible, Read the same book in multiple languages
32.??????????????????? ?If available Watch videos having multiple subtitles – like on the Netflix platform’s multi-audio/multi-subtitles feature
33.??????????????????? ?Get and use multilanguage learning apps
34.??????????????????? ?If you can focus and are having FUN [never when you are stressed] Learn similar languages simultaneously
35.??????????????????? ?Find and Practice with a language expert partner
36.??????????????????? ?Also get a language learning buddy a person who is also learning the same language – for practice on an everyday basis
37.??????????????????? ?Get an expert tutor for this language – you can also go for a virtual and or Online tutor
38.??????????????????? ?USE AI to learn, test, and review your learnings and progress
39.??????????????????? ??Join the online community – use every social media post in your target language as a lesson
40.??????????????????? ?Do translation exercises every day – mentally as well as on paper - vary these daily
41.??????????????????? ?Appear in mock language exams from official bodies as well as others take quick quizzes on free portals
42.??????????????????? ?Track your progress & regularly monitor, test, and evaluate your - reading, listening, writing, speaking skills and progress
43.??????????????????? ?Be flexible and adjust your study routine and tools – as per the situation
44.??????????????????? ?If possible, invite and host people from countries in your place - try communicating with them in theirs
45.??????????????????? ?Create a meaningful reward system for each of your milestones
46.??????????????????? ?Master basic phrases that are useful in everyday life
47.??????????????????? ?Use your vocabulary to write in your new language
48.??????????????????? ?Record in that language and make an expert do the evaluation and feedback
49.??????????????????? ??Attend meetings where people speak in the language you want to learn
50.??????????????????? ?Listen to recorded dialogue to learn through audio
51.??????????????????? ?Move on to another language once you reach an intermediate level -Study until you are fluent in several languages
52.??????????????????? ?Practice all languages as often as possible - Be ready to be a laughingstock
43 Traits & Signs of Polymaths
1.??? ?Polymaths thrive on curiosity and interdisciplinary connections
2.??? ?Polymaths are learners – they Learn, unlearn, and relearn – all the time
3.??? ?Polymaths are flexible and change their opinions based on new facts
4.??? ?Polymaths believe only on evidence-based and fact-checked information only
5.??? ?Polymaths are all the time experimenting, researching, and exploring
6.??? ?Polymaths learn new concepts, skills, and disciplines – even those which does not seem directly connected to their current pursuits
7.??? ?Polymaths always apply what they have learned
8.??? ?Polymaths also have multiple interests and hobbies – they may be gifted through practice in – music, language, mathematics, science
9.??? ?Polymaths can navigate an increasingly complex world, ripe with burgeoning trends
10.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are more innovative and offer creative solutions
11.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are fast learners
12.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are the epitome of?intellectual versatility
13.??????????????????? ??Polymaths don’t show off
14.??????????????????? ?Polymaths have a nature of enjoying the sheer pleasure of mental dexterity across multiple disciplines
15.??????????????????? ?Polymaths learn as a Lifestyle - Polymaths enjoy not only structured activities but also impromptu situations
16.??????????????????? ??Polymaths function as generators of innovations
17.??????????????????? ??Polymaths enrich working groups
18.??????????????????? ??Polymaths have a greater?capacity to adapt to change?
19.??????????????????? ??Polymaths are intellectual cross-talks, bridges between specialized working groups.?
20.??????????????????? ??Polymaths?show greater efficiency in the processes
21.??????????????????? ?Polymaths have great Skepticism toward conventional and established norms
22.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are Self-motivated learners
23.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are Associative thinkers - who unconsciously combine different concepts to create a new one
24.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are excellent associative thinkers, and this trait helps them develop new and creative ideas.
25.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are also humble – they are comfortable in acknowledging that they don’t know everything
26.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are always on a journey to learn more and become better
27.??????????????????? ?Polymaths know a lot about many different subjects
28.??????????????????? ?Polymaths rarely accept a simple answer or anything at face value
29.??????????????????? ?Polymaths ask a lot of follow-up questions
30.??????????????????? ?Polymaths are prone to phases of deep concentration – in such a manner that they forget about the rest of the world
31.??????????????????? ?Polymaths possess a mind of fluid intellect and openness, granting an ability to make novel connections across disciplines.
32.??????????????????? ?Polymath exhibits a restless spirit, ever eager for new mental challenges.
33.??????????????????? ?Polymaths thrive in uncertainty and ambiguity
34.??????????????????? ??Polymath’s flexible cognition allows the integration of insights from diverse fields into original syntheses
35.??????????????????? ?Polymaths Acknowledge That They Don’t Know It All
36.??????????????????? ?Polymaths DISPLAY OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE
37.??????????????????? ?Polymaths EXHIBIT exceptionally HIGH LEVELS OF CREATIVITY & PROBLEM-SOLVING ABILITIES
38.??????????????????? ?Polymaths HAVE A HIGH NEED FOR COGNITION Polymaths have confidence and fearlessness make people feel safe around them
39.??????????????????? ?Polymaths enjoy your solitude and time alone
40.??????????????????? ?Polymaths may find it tough - to empathize with others
41.??????????????????? ??Polymaths may need to learn how to communicate with others in a way that helps them understand their perspective
42.??????????????????? ?Because many Polymaths even though have the brightest ideas fail to communicate those
43.??????????????????? ?Polymaths may find it difficult to empathize with others – as they tend to view others with their expert levels
44.??????????????????? ?Polymaths also need to learn to network and socialize – often they are recluses and have very less friends
?36 Tips How to become a polymath level genius
Read the remaining article as per the following details
This article was originally published as “Unlock Your Genius: Become a Polymath & Polyglot Mastermind 100+ Practical Tips†in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life - personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships - please visit all three links https://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]
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