Unlock Value at Every Step

Unlock Value at Every Step

Your business is about more than products and services. Customers value experiences – and they expect you to constantly improve them. Strive to deliver maximum value by capitalising on every latent need throughout the customer journey.

"We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better."

– Jeff Bezos

By designing for every aspect of this experience – from initial awareness to post-engagement advocacy – you’re best placed to deliver maximum value to customers.

Deloitte’s ‘5Es’ model is a structured framework used to analyse and design the five key stages of your customer experience – how a customer is initially enticed; how they enter into the experience; how the engagement or interaction occurs; what happens as they finish this interaction; and how relationships are extended, post interaction. The full customer life cycle.

The 5Es are typically used to help visualise the customer journey and identify opportunities for experience optimisation. To help illustrate, consider these sales tactics structured using the model:


How is the customer attracted to, or informed about the product/service? What entices or attracts them? Why should they care? To build interest or intrigue:

Create Novelty

  • Tell a story. Make sure it’s new.

Establish a Common Enemy

  • Create a common enemy that your customer can identify with. Invite them to let you battle this enemy on their behalf.

Inspire Curiosity

  • Uncover the 'information gap' – the gap between what your customer already knows and what they wish they knew. Create ‘an itch that needs to be scratched’ by taking advantage of it.


How does the customer begin their relationship with the product/service? What’s involved in the first contact? To create desire:

Demonstrate Social Proof

  • Show how much others are benefiting. Lean on consumer empathy.
  • Make the results personal. Relatable.

Provide a Scale of Reference

  • Show the benefits. Show results. Show pain avoided and gains won.

Show that you care

  • Demonstrate to each consumer that you care about them.
  • Don’t just say it. Show it.

Share to Sell

  • Use sharing as a tool for selling. Share ideas. Share insights. Share value.
  • Research. Research. Research. Be the expert, then make them experts too.
  • Be active in the conversation. Not passive.

Challenge the Status Quo

  • Challenge existing behaviour. Challenge existing beliefs. Have an opinion.
  • Cause controversy. Build stories that review misconceptions.


What discrete activities are conducted during delivery of the product/service? What’s unique or noteworthy that delivers a defensible competitive advantage?

Harness the Economy of Action

  • In the economy of action effort is a cost.
  • We do more to avoid pain than we do to acquire pleasure.
  • Consumers want to avoid pain. And make easy gains.

Implement Scarcity

  • Offer something compelling. But only offer it to a few.

Build Anticipation

  • Anticipation is the key to happiness.


What outcomes/outputs does the customer finish with? What happens as the engagement closes? To maintain interest:

Create News

  • Be a source of news and insight.
  • Tell a story that drives action.
  • Stay relevant, ongoing.

Give them a Reason to Return

  • Actively communicate a compelling reason. Know what influences action.


What efforts are made to follow-up with your customers to maintain a longer relationship? To drive engagement & advocacy:

Track Sentiment

  • Create a reason to talk to your customer ongoing.
  • Encourage feedback.
  • Incentivise action.

Build Community

  • Sell ‘why' you do what you do. Make it compelling.
  • Create a doctrine others can subscribe to.
  • Make them feel that they belong. Make them care that they belong.


