Unlock the Power of Trust in Business by Becoming an Honest Broker of Information
Jan Allen of Business of People

Unlock the Power of Trust in Business by Becoming an Honest Broker of Information

Honesty is crucial when you are building credibility and earning trust – especially when it comes to how information is handled.

I recently interviewed Jan Allen, JD, LSW, Professional Certified Coach (PCC) on my podcast who shared the concept of being “honest broker of information." She is an executive coach and life strategist with Business of People Consulting . She works with professionals who are eager to advance their careers. She's even helped me to improve my leadership skills.

"The idea of being an honest broker is that whenever we're going to take information anywhere in the business, it's important that we not put just our slant on that,” she told me. “Now, we're human and so we're always going to tell stories somewhat from our own point of view. But if we're really going to deal sort of the most directly and honestly in the business, and not try to manage information to get the outcome that we want, then we need to be honest brokers.”

Fundamentally, if you're not honest broker, you lack the credibility needed to advise your current/future clients, build strong bonds with colleagues or lead your people to excellence.

Jan added: “Now I?will say this about where any leader sits, because as I?said, even those of us who want to be honest brokers do to the best of our ability, we still bring our own frame of reference and maybe our own baggage even to whatever we're reporting. So, it's really important for a?leader to get to organizational truth…I've even seen experienced managers make this mistake, to remember the concept of getting to organizational truth.”

A business owner or leader operates in a unique position. They may need to understand an issue from the perspective of multiple trusted employees to obtain the organizational truth. As Jan suggested, “You want to hear it from several other people's points of view, too, so you can put that all together and, to the best of your ability, try to get to organizational truth.”

Leaders will gain more credibility with their staff when they show interest in individual opinions, especially when those individuals are known to be honest brokers of information who won't slant things to serve their agenda.

It's harder to do in sales, but salespeople must strive to be honest brokers if they hope to become trusted advisors.

You can hear my full interview with her at: https://salesfuel.com/manage-smarter-87-being-an-honest-broker-of-information/


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