Unlock the Power of Summer Networking

Unlock the Power of Summer Networking

Welcome to the fourth edition of Kontaktsource INsider!

As we embrace the warmer days and lighter evenings of summer, many of us look forward to a well-deserved slowdown. But what if we told you that this seasonal shift offers untapped potential for your professional growth? This summer let's turn the usual downtime into a dynamic opportunity to expand and strengthen your network.

Embrace the Season's Pace

Summer often brings a more relaxed atmosphere, which can open doors to networking opportunities that are both enjoyable and productive. While businesses might slow down, especially in countries where long holidays are the norm, this is your chance to engage in a different kind of networking.

Socialize and Network

Consider attending or organizing social activities that aren't typical business events. From outdoor concerts and picnics to casual sports events, summer provides unique settings where you can connect with others in a more relaxed and personal environment. These gatherings can be excellent for building relationships that go beyond typical professional interactions.

Dive into Virtual Events

Take advantage of virtual industry events this summer. These events are perfect for connecting with peers from anywhere in the world, especially during a time when many are out of the office and have flexible schedules. Virtual conferences, webinars, and workshops continue to thrive and can be a goldmine for contacts and knowledge.

Reconnect and Rekindle

Use this quieter time to reach out to your existing contacts. Schedule informal catch-ups or virtual coffee meetings to keep the relationships warm. A simple "how have you been?" can reignite conversations that might lead to new opportunities or collaborations down the road.

Your Summer Challenge

We challenge you to step out of your usual routine this summer. Attend new types of events, explore virtual opportunities, and make an effort to reconnect with your network. Who knows what doors these efforts might open?

Stay Connected, Stay Informed, and Keep Sourcing!

Warm regards,

Marianne Halvorsen



