Unlock the potential of your workforce
Dear CEO,
What is the best ROI you have ever made for your company? Did it give a 250% return? Those returns are few and far between I would guess.
What are the greatest assets of your company? Many would say the staff. Do you care about the well-being of your staff? Do you believe that it is a private matter? What if you had to shut down the robot you invested in once a month because of stress? Or, what if its performance dropped off after time?
You do invest in employees. You most likely recruit them through headhunters and they undergo some form of training. When they leave, you usually have to replace them. These are all costs. If they fall ill, do you view that as bad luck?
It doesn't have to be like that. The world is facing an epidemic of lifestyle diseases. Chronic stress, faulty nutrition, incorrect breathing and ineffective exercise or sitting too much. These are the factors coming together in a perfect storm, disabling people. Cutting their careers short. People are getting these chronic diseases at younger ages. Drugs treat the symptoms but rarely cure the disease. It is almost impossible to perform at a high level while fighting just to hold the illness down. Those recovering from cancer treatment take forever to get back on their feet.
As this presents an integrative problem, the only way to tackle it is integratively. That is, address all the causes. Not get ill and have the symptoms dealt with by time off work and medication.
So, returning to this investment. How do you invest in your staff to get this fabulous return? You help them to optimal health, where they can be at their most productive. Working without stress, without sickness. Less days off due to stress and illness. More keen to produce results. Higher productivity.
Through a comprehensive video course, we help people (re)gain optimal health. We base our protocol on engineering principles. There is nothing "new age" about it. We have developed this utilizing the latest research. Integrative health is about connecting the dots between different areas of the human condition. It is preventative but has proven itself efficacious in helping people overcome illnesses. Also in returning cancer patients given a death sentence by doctors to good health. This is unique.
And guess what? We can measure the progress. We can correlate this progress against gains in productivity. The bottom line results are measurable.
Where do we get the 250% annual internal rate of return from? We base this on saving one sick day per month. When averaged over the company, this is not unreasonable. Your HR department may measure employee ROI in different ways. For example, the amount spent on labour costs divided by the total revenue. Or the total revenue divided by the number of employees. Our model looks at the impact of 1 sick day a month and if you can eliminate this, the returns over 4 years are impressive. This is just looking at a tangible measure. We are sure that there are other productivity benefits. They are more difficult to quantify though in a model.
So what have you got to lose? Not a lot. In the worst case, you are providing your employees with a fringe benefit. The improvements in their life will make them forever grateful. Learning how to take responsibility for their mental and physical help is empowering. You feel much better about life and work. You are in a better position to give all. Performing at 100%.
Contact us to learn more. We can show you the potential from your annual accounts. This could be the investment with the greatest return you have ever made for your company.