Unlock the Potential of LinkedIn Learning: Resources for MSc Project Management Students
One of the most pivotal steps project management students can take in their career journey is to seize every opportunity to build their skill set and enhance their knowledge base. Many of our students have approached me, asking what to study during their self-study time at the university. Here’s a recommendation that can make a meaningful difference:
LinkedIn Learning, which is provided for free by universities across the UK, including the University of Northampton, offers a fantastic resource to supplement formal education. By utilizing its learning paths, students can manage their time wisely, familiarize themselves with various concepts and tools, and discover their special interests. This approach will also help them to come up with more informed questions to discuss with their peers, lecturers and mentors.
Here are three highly recommended learning paths to get started:
This learning path provides a comprehensive overview of the core skills needed for effective project management. It covers essential topics such as project planning, execution, and stakeholder management, ensuring high-quality content that aligns with industry standards.
Agile project management is a highly sought-after skill in today's dynamic work environment. This learning path introduces the fundamentals of Agile methodologies, including agile meetings, charts and boards, user stories, and more. The learner will understand how to apply agile principles to manage projects more efficiently and adapt to changing requirements.
This certificate program delves deeper into agile project management using Atlassian tools like Jira and Confluence. It is ideal for those who want to gain a professional certification and practical experience with tools widely used in the industry. Completing this program will enhance the ability to manage agile projects and collaborate effectively within the teams.
Taking advantage of these learning paths can significantly supplement students’ coursework and give them a competitive edge. Once they understand which areas they need to invest in or require more official training or certification, they can pursue them more confidently having already touched upon them in LinkedIn Learning.
Obviously, there are countless resources, both paid and free, available to them at various points in their educational journey. These include online learning platforms, books, professional courses, and certificates. However, one particularly valuable opportunity is LinkedIn Learning, provided to students for free by the university. With plenty of self-study hours at their disposal, it’s crucial to plan and invest in these resources during their education; as it is said wisely, "Success is where preparation and opportunity meet." Bobby Unser.