Unlock More Hours in Your Day
Have you ever felt as though there was not enough "TIME in your DAY" to get your most important tasks done?
?The good news is that you are not alone.?I've conducted over 10,000 surveys in which I ask the question, "what is preventing you from getting things done?".?
The top answers (regardless of demographic) always relate to:
1. Time
2. Motivation
3. Focus?
We have been teaching unconventional ("Most People Don't") ways to GET THINGS DONE that have already helped thousands.?If we continue to do things the same way, we will get the same results (Einstein's definition of insanity).??
We need to STOP USING strategies that "Most People" use that may be ineffective.
Consider using tools that may be less embraced that "Most People Don't" use which are proven to be more effective and efficient.?
"Most People" choose to use to-do lists and multi-tasking.?Guess what??There are better tools out there that enable you to be PRODUCTIVE and not just BUSY.
Click the link above get a 1 minute tutorial on "time boxing" and 7 unconventional ways to be MORE PRODUCTIVE.?
Keep "doing",?